Musings from Crown Alumni

Sunday, May 16, 2004

What's up my doggs...
I'm glad to see that the 'musings from crown alumni' has been getting some much deserved love. I'm returning to ramble...isn't that kind of what you do on these things? I'm back in Salem, Oregon. Life is nice out here...God has made it comfortingly evident that this is home for the time being. He has really seemed to have gone before me and ordained experiences and encounters and stuff. It is a new/weird feeling and that doesn't mean things are always sweet...BUT...I just have this feeling of, WOW, God just totally orchestrated that, or, wow...I could never have arranged that. So that is a cool feeling.

I spoke this morning for my first time to our middle-schoolers. It was the end of our first guys retreat/youth church and the subject was on purity. Personally, as I'm sure many of you know, I'd really rather talk about any other subject in the world than purity. It was hard...but I believe God used me as I revisited some painful/stupid memories where I have dropped the ball. It was encouraging to see how Christ can use our weak areas and poor history to accomplish the exact opposite in the lives who listen.

I got to go to lunch with Nick and Michelle Stumbo today. Do any of ya'll remember them? My senior pastor is Nick's uncle and that was the was nice to see a Crown College Alumni sticker in a car this many miles west of where it all began for this group of friends.
Thinking of ya'll...and you should write more!


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