Musings from Crown Alumni

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I don’t know if everyone else is in the same boat as I am: I want to post, but I really don’t have anything of interest to say. So I sporadically check to see if others have posted, feel a slight disappointment that no one has, then a disappointment in myself for not posting either, and continue on with my day. But today (in an effort to avoid my literary theory homework) I will break that cycle! So let’s see, life in Lynnea land…Teaching at Crown is fine. I had my six-week evaluation and haven’t been fired yet, so that’s good. The rest of my life is basically consumed with trying to finish my Master’s program by the spring. My classes this semester are really fascinating; I’m taking a Spiritual Autobiography class (we are reading Annie Dillard, St. Augustine, Thomas Merton, Simone Weil, etc) and an African American Literary Theory class (we thus far are reading mostly authors who think that all white people should be killed or kill themselves). So with graduation looming again (part of me feels like we graduated from Crown at least ten years ago, and part of me feels like I was just here, thinking about life after graduation), it’s time to decide what the next step will be. A Ph.D. is looking less and less appealing (unless I go back to Oxford) and I am thinking that I may actually take some time off of school for a while. Maybe I’ll keep teaching at Crown, maybe I’ll teach overseas, maybe I’ll quit this whole academic life thing and not teach at all. Who knows? I’ve got some time to decide, I guess. But it is exciting to think about options. So that’s me. For those who care about the rest of the Erixon siblings: Bryan moved to Colorado and is working on a M.F.A. in Creative Writing at University of Colorado at Boulder. Krista cut off fourteen inches of her hair and is now a dark brunette. And she went to the U2 concert a couple of weeks ago and it changed her life. Okay, that covers us all. Hopefully after this relatively unexciting update on my life, others of you will feel led to add your own updates whether you have anything interesting to say or not. Otherwise I will just have to keep posting my own lame updates about school and classes and nobody wants that…


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