Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, May 31, 2007

It has been so long since I've been on here, and look at everything I've missed! New birth. New books. New blogs. Where have I been? Oh yeah, working. I don't know if I've kept everyone up-to-date on much lately, but I have taken a position as the Assistant Director at a Huntington Learning Center, and I love it. It is very challenging and fulfilling and the time flies by. That being said, I don't know how long I'll last because the crazy hours are starting to wear on me. We'll see.

The big news around here is that Krista finally graduated, which is very exciting since I feel like she should have graduated years ago. I made the trek out to good old River Falls, WI to see the terribly long and boring ceremony, like the good sister I am.

It's interesting to see Krista all sentimental about leaving her friends and moving on, etc. because it feels like yesterday that we were all doing the same thing after our own graduation. Then we started this blog in hopes that we'd keep in touch, and hey, look at us now! Three years later and there's still some semi-regular activity on here. Congratulations to us.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Duerkop...and others...your thoughts on our former neighbor to the East Greg Boyd's book, "The Myth of a Christian Nation?"

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Sorry guys, I deleted this post on accident. My bad.
Caden Glen Folkestad was born on May 25th at 11:58pm. He and Katie are doing awesome! We are really excited! More pictures at

Chris, Katie and Caden

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