Musings from Crown Alumni

Monday, March 10, 2008

I met him.

I know, I was as surprised as you are. I was at The Guthrie (for reasons I will explain later) on a Wednesday afternoon, when a glance at the two people coming out of the elevator caused me to do a double take. In an effort to seem cool and important to the person I was with, I tried not to stare or run over to meet him. Fortunately, my companion already knew them and soon I found myself talking with him. Well, if "talking" means standing silently while the three of them talked, while my inner dialogue ran rampant: "Is it him, or is it not? I can't tell. It sure looks like him, but he doesn't talk like him...I think it's him, but maybe it's not..." As though he was reading my mind, he turned to me, extending his hand, and said, "I'm Brian, by the way." Inner dialogue: "It is him." I realized that he was still shaking my hand and I hadn't actually said anything out loud, so I looked him in the eye and said, "I'm nobody."

I'm really great with first impressions. Luckily, he laughed saying "Well, I'm nobody either." Unfortunately, my rambling inner dialogue unleashed itself verbally, and it all came pouring out of my mouth: "I just meant that I don't belong here. I mean I don't work here or anything. I'm just here for an interview, so I'm not important or anything..." I just couldn't stop because I knew that nothing I said was making sense, and I felt like I needed to just keep going until it got better. But it didn't. So gave up, and he diffused my silliness by just saying, "Well, good luck with the interview. I hope it all works. out."

Which brings me to my news: It did work out.

I am officially the new Literary Intern at The Guthrie. I started last week! Those who know me well know that this is something I've been wanting to do for years now, so it's very exciting that it has finally become a reality. Of course, I'm still working full-time apart from The Guthrie, so it's been busy, but I know in the end it will be worth it. I just need to find some time to sleep...oh, I'll worry about that later.

So, I know it's been a long time since I've blogged, but if you ask me, it was worth the wait.

(I apologize that this is a re-run post from my personal blog, but I blog so rarely these days that I need to get double the mileage out of my posts!)