Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, June 29, 2006

I can only assume that Steve H is dead. He has not blogged since 4.30.2006. Please join me in our prayers for our dear lost friend Steve. We will forever miss his witty remarks and interesting outlook on life as a single man. Rest in peace Steve.

BY THE WAY... in a land of democracy, why have you not yet voted for JOE MAUER? go to and vote for him. I would even vote for Barry Bonds if he was batting .392. Anyone that good should be starting the all star game!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hey Guys, since nobody else is talking I thought I would share real quick about the mission trip I just returned from with my Youth Ministry.
We went to Sabinas Hidalgo, Mexico for a week. We stayed and worked at the Cosa Douglas Hogar Orphanage as well as held a VBS at a local church. It was a defining moment in our ministry, as well as in some of the lives of our teens.
While there, I was reminded of God's faithfulness in my own life. How God has provided for my every need at the perfect time. I was also challenged by our devotion time each morning. We studied from the book "The Treasure Principle" by Randy Alcorn. If you have not read the book, pick it up. It is a quick read, but it is POWERFUL.
I don't want to take up too much space here, but I do want to share the defining quote that came from one of my student leaders. We were preparing to hand out clothing in an extremely poor area of Sabinas when our van broke down. As we were waiting for the van to get fixed my student had a "God moment" as he called it. He shared with us that night his thoughts. He said, "I looked at the houses and the kids sitting in the road. They had nothing... I wanted to run out to them and give them all the clothes, food and money we had.... But then God stopped me... He reminded me that if all I do is give them stuff, they will be no better off. Unless we give them Jesus, they are no better off." As a youth pastor, that is the kinda stuff I live to hear. I didn't have to preach, I didn't even have to plan some overnighter. God spoke, and my student hear Him.
If you have an opportunity to go on a mission trip. Do it. I have never been dissapointed.

Enough of me rambling, sorry about that! Tell you what, take a 15 minute break from whatever you are doing, and go vote for Joe Mauer for the all star game! now get out of here and go VOTE. Your vote may not count in November (sorry Nate D) but this one does cound and it is important. (ok I know that the November votes are important too, just need to see mauer in the all star game.)

For what its worth
Folkestad Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 02, 2006

Its finally over. My student Matt Roth, wen t home to be with the Lord to day at 6:22pm. It has been a long two weeks, but finally the stuggle is over. Matt has taught me how to die, but more importantly he has taught me how to live. We can learn a lot from a 14 year old. Praise God it ended today, and his new life started!
Having the experience of loading your student into a body bag and zipping it shurt is a tough thing to do. Tough, butit brought a great sense of closure to it as well. It is tough to see someone so young, so helpless. As we wheeled him out every nurse we passed stopped and had a tear run down their cheek. Even the funeral director was crying as we walked out. Tough Stuff.
But through the tough stuff also comes the great stuff. I will be speaking to 500-600 young people at his funeral who are ready to hear a message of God's redeeming love. hunderds of people are walking around town with "Son-Shines for Matt" T-shirts on. And when people ask what does that mean, we are able to share about how Matt gave his life to Christ at Sonshine last summer. God is not done with Matt's story. It is just begining.
Thanks for those who said a prayer for Matt and I. It has been a tough time, and it doesn't get any easier. I leave with 12 of Matts friends from youth group on Tuesday morning at 6:04am for Mexico. God truely has great timing. Again, God is so good.
Thank you for listening.