Musings from Crown Alumni

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

I wake up and I read. Then I continue reading, and reading, until it is either time to go to class at 6 or go to a tutoring session (I have taken a job with a private tutoring company, which surprisingly, pays quite well). Then I come home and read more and then sleep until it is time to get up and continue reading. Oh, and sometimes I write. So I ask you, how can I spend every waking moment reading and still not feel prepared for class? Perhaps it is that pesky perfectionist in me that constantly tells me there is always more to be done.

My current academic situation differs quite dramatically from mine at Crown. I feel that I was definitely stretched and challenged during my time there as I am now (although it was on a separate level), but life itself was so different; People were constantly around. There were things to do, activities to be involved in, libraries and computer labs full of familiar faces to do homework in. Now I come home at night to sleeping parents and a brother frantically trying to get his own reading done (he is also in grad school). To sit in a house reading for up to twelve hours at a time has become completely unfulfilling, and the worst part is, it is completely necessary. There are definitely still social opportunities, I just feel guilty for allowing any time towards them. There must be some sort of balance to be found.

Luckily, balance has come in the form of Matt as he keeps me sane, pulling me out of the house and continually reminding me that 1. This program is something I have always wanted to do and I will be able to succeed. And 2. It is beneficial, not to mention healthy, to allow myself time off (a foreign concept to me) in order to focus on other areas of life. For this I am very grateful. For, as logically minded of a person as I am, my voice of reason tends to get drowned out.

Now, before you all think that I hate my life, here’s some good news: I recently accepted a job as a Synchronized Swimming coach at St. Louis Park High School! For those unaware, I have a background in Synchro and after a four year hiatus, I am thrilled to return to the sport. Other items of business: I looked through a copy of the Crown 2004 yearbook today. Yes, it is finally out, and looking at it reminded me that homecoming is approaching…anyone returning for it? Also, my sincere congratulations to Bethany and Kurbis(!), heartfelt empathy to Steve for the ruthlessness of his grad program, and thanks to Gabe for his reassuring words of my place in my own program. I miss you all and I promise that my next post will be much more uplifting! (I have been accused of only posting apprehensive and/or pessimistic material; really, life is good, I promise.)


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