Musings from Crown Alumni

Friday, September 03, 2004

Has anybody else met a Bulgarian pre-med student today? Yep, I have. She was the first person I have ever just simply talked to while walking across this great campus. She was impressed that I was a grad history student, and that I even knew that Bulgaria was a country, let alone a Slavic country. Hope I bump into her again. Apparently she rides my bus (as though I own the bus, though I am always boarding an empty bus and watching everybody else get on, so I think in some ways I have precidence). So, at the end of my first week of graduate school, I am not feeling like Dante in his grand descent, especially since yesterday at the fair was nothing like the day before, just cold and quiet. Just a quick blog asking everybody - how do you say "Dinner?" in Bulgarian? Oh well. Josh, after you're done writing, why don't you call a brotha', and after you're done talking to Jeremy, call me so I can hear from your own lips what the heck is going on up there and tell you from my own lips that I will be in Portland for Thanksgiving. Otherwise I may only visit Rachel Enyeart and my brother. Now that's a threat. Chris, tell me what's new that your young lady is making the big bucks and you're just enjoying the benifits? I hope she gets the job, as well. Then you can feel bad for me and buy me a car. To all, I recommend Lyric Ballads by Wordsworth as an incredible read. As always, I apologize for myself.


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