Musings from Crown Alumni

Sunday, May 15, 2005

I love square dancing. I really do. Once I got on the dance floor at Kurbis and Bethany’s wedding last night, I realized what I had been missing. I’ve been swing dancing, ballroom dancing, line dancing, etc. But never square dancing. I love it because it is so easy to learn and you get to dance with so many different people. If you are getting tired of dancing with your partner, it’s only a matter of time before the caller will yell something like "Circle round to the next guy/gal," and then it’s like starting all over! Not that I ever got tired of my wonderful dance partner, Nathan Duerkop.

Square dancing aside, I’ll be the first to say it was a beautiful wedding. I decided that it is a good thing to leave the reception feeling like your throat is bleeding from talking to so many people all night. Unfortunately, I was so tired from all of the square dancing that by the time the "normal" music came on and everyone went crazy dancing, I had no energy left for it. All in all: wonderful wedding, wonderful people, wonderful square dancing, and I could go on.

This morning we decided to make it a Crown Reunion Weekend, and we went to a Stand Your Ground concert in St. Paul. Krista and I apparently weren’t the only ones with the idea; Miller, Maria, and Duerkop also attended. Of course, afterwards, Krista held the SYG shirt up to me saying, "So You’re Gay?" I guess that’s just expected, someone’s gotta make the joke, it might as well be at my expense. We helped them load up and I didn’t even wish I was on tour. Probably because I was never in Stand Your Ground. They did a good job. It was worth the trip to St. Paul.


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