Musings from Crown Alumni

Friday, May 06, 2005

Hello Crownie Faithful,
I hope all is going well. Congrats to the King ( Adam W. Kyle could you please forward this information to our techno-stupid friend... please leave out the part where I call him techno -stupid.) and Josh the Mann for their impending entry into manhood. If you guys ever need some advice call me. Also I am able to perform weddings now and I don't charge much.

Chris, I long to visit you again. I have a life full of this crappy thing called responsibility and it keeps me close to where I live.

Life has been going by so fast. My little ladies are already 6 months old. They are eating sweet potatoes now which makes for orange spit-up. (It also effects their bowel movements, but I will leave that information out.) If you ever need a smile just hold one of my little girls. They light up rooms wherever they go.

I am officially taking on responsibilities in my churches youth group. For those of you who did not know I have not worked with youth before. I have been very busy with adult ministries. This is exciting and terrifying at the same time. Much like jumping out of a plane would be if you had no parachute. I hope I have a better ending. Another new tidbit about myself is that I am now a slow pitch softball player. It has been a humbling experience. To think that a game that is designed for the out of shape and over the hill crowd can make me wake up the next morning sore. I hope I am just out of shape (i.e. a fat lard) and not over the hill. This sure is full of random thoughts. Hey, is anybody going to watch Crown's graduation? Chet Carlson and John Schussman are both finally graduating. Let me know if you will be there. The greatest memory I have of our own graduation is Lynnea shaking her rose seconds before we are suppose to enter and it breaks in half. It was hilarious! Luckily, the King (Adam W.) raced across the enormous hallway of MECCA/Grace Church and stole a rose from the stand that was selling them. What a great memory. And the moral of the story is stealing is okay in emergencies!

Well, I should be getting back to work. Thank you for wasting your time reading this masterpiece of literature that I have composed for you. I hope to see most of you soon. I have never eaten a quizzno's sub or watched a single episode of 24! Am I a loser?



  • Gabe,
    Bring the resposibility with you! We can still get away for some Golden Tee

    By Blogger Folkestad, at 1:05 PM  

  • Gabe, I'm playing softball too. I think it's part of the contract when you work in a church. I did all right last week. Two weak grounders to the infield and two triples to the outfield fence. I love softball. You guys should come down here and take on my team...

    By Blogger bradley, at 12:25 PM  

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