Musings from Crown Alumni

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I'm not ready to comment on the rousing blogs of late, but I do have a fun game I'd like to play since I just now noticed something very interesting. I had taken down notes at work to practice making sandwiches at home in my imagination (I got tired of training myself to tie my apron behind my back instead of in front of me and then turning it back around from cape-mode to the way we're "supposed" to wear it), and so I just looked at the bottom of these note-pad sheets, and so all you have to do is Google this thing to see what it is, but the drug product being advertised on my Quizno's recipe sheets is called "Cenestin". See if you find that funny when you know what that is. Okay, abridged blogs here we go. What the crap happened to April, anyways? I've been busy trying to make end's meat (I seriously for a good portion of my life thought that's what it was, making a meat that had something to do with an animal's end, not having any relationship to rope or rope-making in my family [we prefered rubber bands and staples]). Who else is feeling like a Turkey-Bacon Guacomole or a Steakhouse Beef Dip right now? I know I am. Okay, I'm done, and I can't say I love you all. That's just cruel to get your hopes up like that just to find out that you're one of those people that I don't love, like those people who randomly happen upon our blog. I don't love them (unless they are/seem incredibly like Natalie Portman). Don't worry. I do love some of you. Actually, on second thought, worry. I do love some of you.


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