Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Lynnea's Blog made me think about being a cartoon character. If you were a cartoon which cartoon would you be? Personally I would be Garfield. Why? Why Not! Please let me know who you would be.

In other news. Life is still going good with the girls. They are rolling over now and sitting up pretty good. They are also still spitting up which is never fun, but they are more then worth it. A big change for me is that I am taking over more responsibility at my church in the youth group. I have not worked with the youth at all, but we are switching things around and I am going to now. That is all from this crazy cat. Garfield Out!


  • Don't worry, Gabe. They'll stop spitting up when they're 17 or so. That's when life gets easier...

    By Blogger bradley, at 11:54 AM  

  • I will be dead by then. Crap! Can you take these things back?

    By Blogger Our Family, at 12:58 PM  

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