Musings from Crown Alumni

Friday, April 01, 2005

So, wait, now that I have a job, and I just need you guys to clear this up for me, am I too cool to blog? I'm just wondering since everybody seems to be there pretty much, and if it was a job thing or what because I can go along with that. No, sweet, whatever, eh? I get the equation. For whatever reason, people just get too cool to drop a "hey" or a "I won't tell you I'm gonna blog a lot without really blogging a lot". No, I'm there. Maybe I should just sign off right now. Blogging, what is that? My 19-hour weeks are way to packed for blogging. I can't imagine what a forty or more hour week would do to me, except maybe get me to be a voyeur on our blogger and keep my strange little life to myself. Great. I have no stories anyway. Nothing about bread loaves being taller than my coworkers or high school customers showing more cleavage than a Ms. Hawaiian Tropics contest or finding out another girl has five children and is younger than us... no, no stories. Nothing. I'm tired of this one-sided relationship. I'm sure you are, too. I'll just wait until somebody wants to be a part of this so that I have something to be a part of as well. How about that? Sorry for raining on the parade, doing exactly what Lynnea says I'm not allowed to do, but I couldn't tell you two things sideways about what's going on with anybody else except Kyle's a little sacreligious, Brad's a little brief, Duerk's a little into mullets or Chicago newspapers, and Anne is a little good at posting blogs where she doesn't want them to go! Whatever, I have a 24 marathon to get at. Lynnea, let the scolding begin.


  • If you think I'm brief, you should read my blog. That's where I get deep and heavy.

    By Blogger bradley, at 10:22 AM  

  • Yes, you better post an apology! I thought the blog was going fine! I warned you about this...

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 9:43 AM  

  • No formal apology necessary. I was mainly kidding. And it is just fine to let your home life interfere with your blog life, that's kinda what a blog is: blogging about your life at home. Do what you need to do, just keep posting!

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 10:22 PM  

  • Not much to say that would interest anyone. I just work, study, go to class, go to sleep, etc. Life is pretty busy, not too busy to blog, just busy with a lot of stuff no interesting enough to blog about.

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 9:53 PM  

  • Hey, our little comment-fest sparked a blog about my skateboarding expedition. Are you happy? That's all I've got to write about! By the way, I am in the UST library right now and just ran into a certain beautiful grad student about to graduate...anything going on there? Or is she totally old news by now?

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 3:31 PM  

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