F$#&! I just wrote the longest blog ever but i wrote it last night and then i tried to send it this morning and it pooped all over me...dang it...it was funny, cute, poignant, intriguing, told you a lot but left you wanting more :) Now I have to start over and this version's not going to be as good. And now I'm at work and I'm supposed to be like...working...anyways...i'll post later today...
We did NOT just get two posts in a row from Josh Mann!
bradley, at 2:02 PM
Hey, by the way, check out the new post on my blog. I think you'll like it.
bradley, at 2:03 PM
You better start re-writing, Josh, you've already left us wanting more. Forget actually working at work, who does that?
Lynnea, at 2:23 PM
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