Musings from Crown Alumni

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Hello, friends, I am in good old West Virginia. On Sunday, talking to Matt before I left, he said that the weather here was great: sunny and in the 80s. I was excited because in Minnesota it has been rainy and cold for the last several days and it was really starting to get old. So flew out here last night and now, you guessed it, it is cold and cloudy in West Virginia. I told Krista that I feel like one of those cartoon characters with the raincloud hanging over his or her head everywhere they go. I brought the bad weather with me. Krista said it’s more like that commercial with the bouncing Zoloft ball with a cloud over it’s (I am assuming it is genderless) head. I don’t think I really like being compared to a character in a commercial for anti-depressants, I would rather be a colorful cartoon character. I suppose it’s all hypothetical anyway and doesn’t really matter. That’s all for now.


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