Musings from Crown Alumni

Sunday, April 03, 2005

So Steve asked me why I haven’t posted in a while and I told him that my life hasn’t exactly been blog-worthy lately. My daily activities don’t really go much beyond studying, sleeping, and selling shoes. Then I realized that today I did a very exciting thing: I went skateboarding! Yes, that’s right, can’t you just picture it now? Just me and a bunch of fifteen-year-old boys rolling around a skate park. A friend of mine from work called and asked me to hang out with her and her two kids this afternoon, they were going skateboarding and I thought, "I’ve never done that before, why not try it?" So we went to 3rd Lair, an indoor/outdoor skateboard park in Golden Valley for the day. She and I were the only females in the entire park (I had no idea skateboarding was such a gender-biased sport!) and the only two over the age of 16. There weren’t even any other parents there watching, so of course, my hyper-sensitive lifeguard instincts kicked in and I spent most of the time watching for injuries to be tended to or prevented. I wonder if I will ever be able to enjoy myself in a location of leisure without feeling responsible for the safety of everyone there. Anyway, in the end my skateboarding skills proved lacking and I ended up spending most of the time trying to climb out of the empty swimming pool I was skating in (it looked like the skateboard ramp equivalent to a bunny hill, but it turned out to be more like a black diamond). No broken bones, successful enough for me.


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