Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, April 21, 2005

So, nobody's wanting to state the obvious, so I'll just have to go ahead and say it: Dr. Benedict, and Pope Benedict XVI are the same person! Same face, same connection to high-ranking posts within Christendom - there can be no doubt! We were all living in the presence of a pope-to be, and we didn't even know it. I just wish Dr. B had been more open to us about his German heritage or membeship in the Catholic Church. I don't know how he schedules all this corination stuff all at the end of semester. Isn't he supposed to be doing the final chapel of the year, or whatever? It's good to know that our Catholic heritage on the miracle campus was more than just heritage. Enough fun with Dr. B.
I'm hoping to relate the painful and slow process of writing this blog, but that will be apparent in its shortness and simplicity. Today I had my first work-related accident, slicing two of my fingers quite deeply on a tomato cutter. It makes typing an aggrivating experience. (Pause for a sigh of relief). And for those of you not keeping up with the commenting section of our blogger, you should know that I have been defended from the assaults of unknown rogues by Gabe, Duerk, and Lynnea (Brad, I don't consider your comment helpful - informative, but not helpful). Oh, and maybe this is the first of a long line of blogs that are a bit more abbriviated - what Kyle likes to call an "abridged" blog. Where the unabridged version will go, I have yet to decide. Probably into the empty space that sits above my neck - the very thing that allowed my fingers to push hard and deep against a tomato slicer's blades. Lynnea, if there were a Ben and Jerry's within a hundered miles of here, I might have tried for the free day, but all I've got is Cold Stone (kind of like saying all I've got is Natalie Portman, or I only work at Quizno's). And my last thought: With an added "n", blog becomes blong, which will solve all kinds of problems in the world of "gangsta" rap when trying to rhymn something with... wrong. Mmmmmhmmm. Solves a lot of my issues. Gotta go. Blogging is painful but worth it. You should keep that in mind. Injured people are writing blogs while you just enjoy the fruits of their labor. Bring on the scary, nearly-anonymous comments.


  • I don't have anything to comment on your specific post, I just wanted to say that I laughed out loud at all the strange "kitty" comments, especially when Brad called you a girl (I woudln't normally find that funny, but... come on, she said "hubka needs to get his or her facts straight.") You know I love cats and you just hate them because they make your eyes all puffy and you think you're going to die, but I think that this kitty! character needs to get another hobbie instead of "cruising the blogs" or whatever happened that made her so enraged.

    By the way, I would totally visit you in Vancouver, WA over Missoula, MT.

    By Blogger krista, at 1:36 PM  

  • I second that motion. Vacouver, WA is so much prettier than MT or MN for that matter, so I would visit you there with Krista. When are you moving?

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 9:23 AM  

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