Musings from Crown Alumni

Friday, April 22, 2005

Well I know that I never post on this thing but that is because my life really doesn't have the major twists and turns that a day at Quiznos holds. I don't have twins to poop on my face. I thought about driving downtown to embrace the free Ben and Jerry's but it just didn't end up happening. Even now the main reason I am posting is not because I am moving to a new apartment this afternoon or even because I have some funny story about my friends cussing during Bible study. No, the reason that I am blogging is much larger and grander than that. I come to this blog on behalf of one Adam Wakefield. Adam is challenged in a number of areas and technology is one of them. By his senior year of college he was still unable to get his desktop computer plugged in and set up. Now he can't remember how to log on to here to write an entry. He asked me to share this news with you:
Adam has decided to spend the next year training to race a dogsled in the iditarod. He is looking for dogs right now so if you know where he could find a good husky give him a call.
Oh yeah, he also wanted me to say that as of yesterday he is engaged. I think he said that because of that he is passing on the iditarod. He couldn't find any good huskies and he would rather just get married to a good woman and never run the iditarod. Go figure.


  • Trying to be different by centering your post, huh Kyle? I knew you'd never live inside the mainstream blog world. Always gotta make waves.

    Anyways, how's your life? We should talk. I hear you and Kurbis are going to Bright Eyes in St Louis. I'm still deciding whether I want to go in Minneapolis. $36 is a lot of money for me.

    Big gulps, huh? Well, see you later.

    By Blogger bradley, at 9:18 AM  

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