Musings from Crown Alumni

Friday, February 24, 2006

I'm still formulating some thoughts, and I will post soon. I promise. But until then, here are some pictures from the inaguration for your enjoyment.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Well, how to get a collected, direct sort of thing going here with my thoughts is more difficult than I originally imagined. Before I get into all this, though, I should like to say that you should thank me for taking time out of my tirelessly romantic Valentine's Day just to talk about unromantic things with everybody. If anything, I wanted to get one of those e-cards from the NBC website that have Steve Carrel and the other Office people on them. But I'm lazy, so instead, I'm just going to write a thoughtful blog. Right, like I can do that.
I'm trying not to do what Kyle always complained about while we were still in school, namely fearing doomsday scenerios simply due to most of us being absent from Crown. I want it clearly understood that I know things change and I don't expect Alma to be the same as when we were there. Also, most of what I am pointing out or questioning is simply conjecture. So now that I'm done undercutting my entire argumentative base, let's continue.
I feel that the "pan-eudemonia" of the Crown student body is at stake due to leadership styles and decisions. There, I said it. I think what we knew and felt from the administration during our years, the support and direction, is becoming a place where there's plenty of Christian-coated talk while the people that make Crown deep and real seem to be edged out. Like I said, conjecture. So, maybe it's just reading about Scott's resignation that finally made me really want to know what's happening. I don't think this is an overnight thing or that suddenly Crown students are now just vanilla-plain college students, ones with enough pocket change to pay the tab, but otherwise completely unrelated to what we were. I know the students are still there, having cheesy floor events, running to Holiday and complaining about Ratledge tests, but it's like they're being pointed down a different road than we were. How can I be more specific?
I'll admit, some of my concern stems from my own simple stories involving the past and present presidents. Some of you know, but maybe not everybody, that Rick was my pastor for seven years before he was my VP of Academics. He was Pastor Rick before he was Dr. Mann. Even after I was at Crown, we churched together for my four years. I'm just pointing this out so that you can follow my train of thought when I tell you a simple story. Oh, and unlike most of you, Dr. B and I had never been formally introduced, and I still don't think he knows my name, not that I need him to, but that weighs into the story (some of you have heard this, but I think it's worth retelling).
It was Christmas a year ago. I was at school for the Bach-Jahnke wedding, sitting in Miller's office chatting about who knows what. Dr. Mann ducked his head in first, telling Miller something, and then he noticed I was there. He said hi, and proceeded to leave. Dr. B was a few steps behind him, poked his head in the doorway, and after acknowledging Mr. Miller, he proceeded to ask me how grad school was going. He knew I was in grad school - he remembered somehow. And then he took the time to see what was happening with it, time out of his busy day to just be two people that can be some sort of connected. My pastor of eleven years, the father of two very close friends and in some ways my boss for several years of tutoring, didn't pause for that reconnecting moment that took place between me and Dr. B. I think that pause was very important, and I fear it might be those simple pauses that might be lost on the next generation. I know that the few times I had the pleasure of chatting with Scott, I felt that pause, that reality, that care, and without some major figures at school that once gave us that sense of interest and compassion, I don't know how the student body can feel at ease with all their issues, spiritual or academic or financial or relational, whatever. And so, the question is, who is there with students, pausing with them just so they can have the confidence and security necessary to continue with day-to-day struggles that could be glossed-over in an all-smiles, hustle and bustle atmosphere? Lynnea, I know this is your employer, these issues concern your superiors and your coworkers, ect. I don't want you to feel like any of my concerns can or should be a reflection of you. You know I feel the student body is in better shape even with you there part time. It's the upper-levels of the school, the rudder and not the hull that I'm pointing to as troublesome. Is this more specific? I really don't know what any of this is supposed to accomplish, but that's part of my point. Accomplishment, goals, tangible results aren't always something we need as humans. Sometimes we need to talk about how we feel (now I'm just sounding like an idiot). I'm done. But I definitely want to know what everybody else is thinking on these things. You all know I'm a glass-half-empty sort, seeing the worst stuff when it's not really bad at all. Take that into account when you guys tear me apart for thinking such wasteful things, or whatever. I really don't know how those of you that regularly finger-walk all over this thing think, but the few people I have talked to have made similar comments and points as I just did, only with specifics and first-hand knowledge. So, to finish up, alls I'm saying is sommin's not right. Or at least, that's how it feels... to me.... right now... I think. Really, done.

Friday, February 10, 2006

I just had a conversation with the elder Bubna of the three brothers, and as always he brought me back into Minnesota just enough to have some questions for us all, not that anyone has ever or will ever answer my questions on here, but if I can be nothing but rhetorical, what else can I be? The last time I walked the campus, our campus, was months ago, in the days leading up to Scott's wedding, and so I have no direct information, just hunches and feelings gathered in conversations, and I'm beating around the bush, I know... I mean, if Kyle still read this, he'd be the first to jump on me and freak out at the idea of worrying that our alma mater is... well, of course it's differnt, I don't mean to sound like the sort of person that thinks it would never change, but change seems to bring with it troubling things. I can't do anything but be vague because I really don't know how else to put this out there, especially since many of our blogging friends, long lost or not, still are employed by mother nourishment herself. Wait, is it nourishing, or sending.... whatever. So, since I haven't yet asked a question, if anybody would like to give me some general low-down, not that I have any right to it any longer (there are some people who think we need to leave each other alone, in that the only information permissible to uninvolved parties is the pleasant type); I really don't know why this is so difficult to ask. It would be easier for me to ask Robbie how my ex-girlfriend is doing, but that's because Robbie wouldn't ever find out since he's in a worse spot with her than I am, at least I think. But, that's the best equation I can give you guys. I just want to know what's going on, how things are going, ya know, for brevity's sake. I mean, her name weighs heavy on all our diplomas, so what she does and where she goes is at least of some interest, right? Good, the awkward stuff is out of the way.
I'll have to get some pictures today because it is my last day with a beard. I told everybody I wanted to look older, but nobody told me at work that I wasn't supposed to have one. I mean, my boss has a mustache, so I figured if that's okay, how could some hair around the chin be any different? But, some regional Quiznos corporate guys were in the store today, and I think it worried my boss, so he said it was no big deal, but I told him I'd say goodbye to 23 and hello to 18 all over again. If it wasn't for our 17-year-old engaged Russian-born new girl commenting that I looked really old (a compliment from this young lady, who otherwise likes to refer to me as "ma'am"), I would probably have been none-the-wiser on the corporate policy. And when I say, I'll have to take some pictures, I realize that those pictures are not for you, because who wants to see me with a beard? Okay, enough blabbing. I leave everybody to their busy lives, just leaving a quick note that my first visitor since the Josh Mann wedding will be out here, and his name is Adam Wakefield, and I'm way pumped to see the kid. Who else wants to come? If you come out here, you'll probably stay, because that's what I did, and I still don't have that many friends, a good job, or any general respect for my work or home life. Last question: If you were all of the following things (single, female, smart, cute, 18-35), do you think you'd find something wrong with dating a guy that simply worked in food service? Yes, your answer might offend me, but that's okay. I just can't create a parallel situation in the opposite (if I were to pursue a young lady who had a job similar to mine, if that would be an automatic disqualifier, as though it were some sign of personal failure or whatever else). I've written long enough. Who else wants to get on here? You can complain about Valentine's Day. I would, but The Office did it for me. And I want a Dwight bobblehead. Sweet. Later.