Musings from Crown Alumni

Friday, February 10, 2006

I just had a conversation with the elder Bubna of the three brothers, and as always he brought me back into Minnesota just enough to have some questions for us all, not that anyone has ever or will ever answer my questions on here, but if I can be nothing but rhetorical, what else can I be? The last time I walked the campus, our campus, was months ago, in the days leading up to Scott's wedding, and so I have no direct information, just hunches and feelings gathered in conversations, and I'm beating around the bush, I know... I mean, if Kyle still read this, he'd be the first to jump on me and freak out at the idea of worrying that our alma mater is... well, of course it's differnt, I don't mean to sound like the sort of person that thinks it would never change, but change seems to bring with it troubling things. I can't do anything but be vague because I really don't know how else to put this out there, especially since many of our blogging friends, long lost or not, still are employed by mother nourishment herself. Wait, is it nourishing, or sending.... whatever. So, since I haven't yet asked a question, if anybody would like to give me some general low-down, not that I have any right to it any longer (there are some people who think we need to leave each other alone, in that the only information permissible to uninvolved parties is the pleasant type); I really don't know why this is so difficult to ask. It would be easier for me to ask Robbie how my ex-girlfriend is doing, but that's because Robbie wouldn't ever find out since he's in a worse spot with her than I am, at least I think. But, that's the best equation I can give you guys. I just want to know what's going on, how things are going, ya know, for brevity's sake. I mean, her name weighs heavy on all our diplomas, so what she does and where she goes is at least of some interest, right? Good, the awkward stuff is out of the way.
I'll have to get some pictures today because it is my last day with a beard. I told everybody I wanted to look older, but nobody told me at work that I wasn't supposed to have one. I mean, my boss has a mustache, so I figured if that's okay, how could some hair around the chin be any different? But, some regional Quiznos corporate guys were in the store today, and I think it worried my boss, so he said it was no big deal, but I told him I'd say goodbye to 23 and hello to 18 all over again. If it wasn't for our 17-year-old engaged Russian-born new girl commenting that I looked really old (a compliment from this young lady, who otherwise likes to refer to me as "ma'am"), I would probably have been none-the-wiser on the corporate policy. And when I say, I'll have to take some pictures, I realize that those pictures are not for you, because who wants to see me with a beard? Okay, enough blabbing. I leave everybody to their busy lives, just leaving a quick note that my first visitor since the Josh Mann wedding will be out here, and his name is Adam Wakefield, and I'm way pumped to see the kid. Who else wants to come? If you come out here, you'll probably stay, because that's what I did, and I still don't have that many friends, a good job, or any general respect for my work or home life. Last question: If you were all of the following things (single, female, smart, cute, 18-35), do you think you'd find something wrong with dating a guy that simply worked in food service? Yes, your answer might offend me, but that's okay. I just can't create a parallel situation in the opposite (if I were to pursue a young lady who had a job similar to mine, if that would be an automatic disqualifier, as though it were some sign of personal failure or whatever else). I've written long enough. Who else wants to get on here? You can complain about Valentine's Day. I would, but The Office did it for me. And I want a Dwight bobblehead. Sweet. Later.


  • Wow

    By Blogger Folkestad, at 9:25 PM  

  • Did you hear someone totally rocked the house and got me the best Valentine's gift ever?

    Steve, be more open about what's bothering you about Crown. I, for one, would love to hear it. You're right that her fate is somewhat ours, being that we spent 4 years and $65,000 on her. If something's bothering you, let's talk about it.

    As for your last question, I do think that girls either consciously or subconsciously take into consideration a guy's financial situation, both current and future. Not to say you can't overcome it, but you're fighting an uphill battle. As are guys who don't have a job *points to himself.* Or maybe that's just my excuse for being single.

    Go back to school, Steve. I think you belong there. Like how I haven't talked to you in years and just gave you life advice? Well, I'll stand by it until someone corrects me.

    By Blogger bradley, at 3:27 PM  

  • Steve you confuse me. Please be more specific about your concerns. If you don't feel comfortable doing so on here, e-mail me. I would be happy to dialogue about this, but only if I have a clue what we are dialoguing about.

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 12:45 AM  

  • That was confusing enough to be political, but you didn't promise anyone anything, so I don't think it counts.

    Aren't you just asking if Crown is still heading in the right direction? I think that was fairly obvious from your ramblings. However, if anyone replies to you in the same format, neither of us will understand it.

    Finally, since I believe I meet at least 2 out of the 5 qualifications you set forth to answer your question... I agree completely with Brad, its going to be a strike against you - but its not necessarily a huge one - depends on the girl. Of course this is only 40% advice.

    By Blogger Duerkop, at 9:58 PM  

  • Which two, Duerk? :)

    By Blogger bradley, at 11:49 PM  

  • Steve,

    I would love to hear your concerns as well. Looking forward to your next post. Also, if Bubna says it's so then it probably isn't true!

    By Blogger Our Family, at 10:46 AM  

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