Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Counterstrike! Now people may actually comment post. I must say it is a bit peculiar that we have Hubka spill his guts, see a picture of a unborn babe, hear of a friend who has a perfect 4.0, or have a update on a college friend who has lost a sibling and we fail to respond but for a couple of lines. Then COUNTERSTRIKE is reborn and the blog becomes our instant messenger. I have never played the game, but it must be unbelievable. At this point some may be tempted to respond with an enticing comment encouraging me to get in the clan. Save your keyboards my friends, I am a family man!

Speaking of which, my daughters are giving me quite a thrill these days. By thrill I mean heart attack. They have long ago mastered the art of walking/running. Since that no longer holds appeal to them, they have taken to the new adventures of climbing. This may sound innocent enough to you, but seeing you child a foot off a hard wood floor and knowing she has minimal balance. Let me just say I am a lot faster then I realized. Impending doom for your child has a way of making you react fast. The other new skill my daughters learned recently is how to smile on command. They have the weirdest and cutest smiles when they are trying to smile. It is adorable. I have some pictures that I will post soon.

In other news my wife is an adorable prego. She has this type of belly the shoots straight out when she is pregnant. Some ladies take a long time to "show," but not my wife. She literally has that "I swallowed a bowling ball" look right away. I probably could find a picture of that too, but my wife would not appreciate that being posted.

In even more other news I just finished leading a study on the book Margins. This was a delightful book that repeated its ideas far too often, but had some very good things to say. However, it lack any true ability to sustain discussion. So if you are ever doing a book study that is formatted heavily on conversation - Margin is not your book.

I got to get back to work.


  • You are a counter strike vergin, and have chose to live a life without such pleasures. We respect that Gabe, really we do. However, your life will not be as complete without the experience of blowing your college friends heads off time and time again. It is a delightful way to spend a relaxing evening.

    Gabe it is good to hear from you! I was actually coming on here to see if you were dead yet. I have been thinking about you this week. I am doing my Ehud sermon on Sunday. Hope it goes well.

    I am sure your girls are awsome! Can't wait to see pictures!

    Have a good one!


    By Blogger Folkestad, at 3:36 PM  

  • Thanks Gabe for bringing some reality back to our CS addled brains. I look forward to seeing your pictures.

    By Blogger Duerkop, at 8:22 PM  

  • Gabe, at least you participated in Bite Club. There's something to be proud of. And why are you reading Margins? All Christians need to read is the Bible - everything is contained in it.

    PS - That's not true; there's a lot of stuff the Bible doesn't talk about.

    By Blogger bradley, at 10:25 PM  

  • But there's so much more to life than history and mystery. Like romance, comedy, tragedy, etc. We have to go elsewhere for those. :)

    By Blogger bradley, at 12:57 PM  

  • Chris,

    Knock em dead with the Ehud story. Are you doing it first person? Het did you know that Brady is in Bill's preaching class this year. It just started.

    By Blogger Our Family, at 1:55 PM  

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