Musings from Crown Alumni

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Lynnea, Thank for posting those pics. It was fun to see that group of people together, even if it only was through a picture.

I have a challenge that I would like to post to the group. I have been looking hard at my life as a follower of Christ and I have realized many of my incredible short-comings. One of the biggest is my inability to have a fervent prayer life. Personally I think this is due to two things. 1: I am an undisciplined person. 2: I am an not an organized person. The first one takes practice and persistence. The second one takes a plan. I have decided that this year I want to reduce the number of people, places, or things feel obligated to pray for daily. I am going to commit this year to praying daily for 3 people. I think that this will give me guidance to my prayer life. It seems like it should be fairly easy. So I ask anybody who struggles in daily prayer to try it. Pick three people out and commit to pray for them for 2006. I dare you!


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