Musings from Crown Alumni

Monday, December 05, 2005

Signs that I just found my new church home:
1. They meet in an elementary school gym.
2. Their name seems eerily similar to Imago Dei, or at least in the trendy Latin category.
3. A guy was wearing a Vote for Pedro shirt when I walked in the doorway (I happened to be wearing my "I (Heart) Tater Tots" one myself).
4. The sermon included an excerpt from The Matrix (sadly, almost a cliche since I've seen in done a few times before, but whatever).
5. The lead pastor seems like a Christian version of Dwight from NBC's The Office.
6. One of the first people I met was the cutest girl on earth, blue eyed, brunette, named Molly - two years old, of course, but still, I think she liked me.
7. They expressed the desire for a mandolin player during worship.
8. One of the core personalities is Bubna-esque, speaking Portugese and being tall and long-haired and pretty funny.
9. It's not a mile from my house.
10. It's less than forty people presently, full of candles and strange paintings, and was labled by one of the first people I met as "a church for people who don't like church".
So I guess I'm trendy now. It's like I get to do the whole Emergent thing, and I'm not twenty miles from Don Miller's church. It was kinda weird wrapping mic cords again, putting away a sound board and stacking chairs, stuff I haven't done in a church setting for three years. It made me miss the quirky people at the River. Ah, maybe it's not for me. What times are services at Bethlehem Baptist? Sorry I won't catch you guys at Malone's wedding. Just can't swing out, really until Wakefield gets married. Let's plan for everybody to swing down to Omaha in June, deal? Sweet. Heck yes I just said that!


  • Wouldn't miss Wakefield's for the world. See you in O-Town.

    In other news, I made my first trip in about a year and a half to Quizno's yesterday. Got the honey mustard chicken sub, no tomatoes. Pretty good but dang expensive, even with my student discount of $1. Just thought I'd share.

    By Blogger bradley, at 4:03 PM  

  • Rettler-
    Kate and I are going to be in your area in March for the Saddleback Youth Conference. We should hook up! Screw that, you should just come to the conference! Its only 99.00 for students!

    Talk to you later

    By Blogger Folkestad, at 8:48 AM  

  • $99!!!!!!!! That's like half my savings... When is that going on? I'm heading home for Christmas but I'll be back here New Year's Day. We'll definitely hook up when you're here.

    By Blogger bradley, at 11:45 AM  

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