Musings from Crown Alumni

Friday, November 04, 2005

Missions Conference! For those of you from the CMA you may remember that time of the year where missions conferences came around. You had to go hear from a missionary, eat different food, and go to church on different nights then Sunday and Wednesday. Well, I am no longer simply attending these blessed events, but I am in charge of ours starting tonight. We are hosting a Jeopardy game show to get to know about Russia. This could go very good or it could be a total crap shoot. I am hoping for the former. On to other news. I saw pictures of the Ellen/Andy Stumbo baby. She is cute! If you are a Crown grad and have not had babies, you are so not cool. (This is for married students only. If you are single you need not worry. you are very cool in God's eyes. Chris/Katie get a move on it!) I have had quite the amazing past few weeks. In another blog I will tell you about it. However, one question came up quite unrelated to the rest of the week that I wanted to post for our amusement and comments. I was talking to one of our office assistants who is studying massage. She was giving a massage to a lady in our church and I commented that you would never see a guy giving a guy a massage out in the open like it was nothing. This may just be my extreme dislike of light physical contact from males. I mean I can handle getting tackled or getting knocked to the ground in a game of basketball. I can even handle the occasional butt slap after at a sporting event, but if that same fellow tried to rub my shoulders It would make me crawl out of my skin. There are some guys that seem to be the rubbing shoulders types, but why? Do our shoulders ever get tight enough to put ourselves through such agony as man to man massage? I for one would rather live my life in pain than have my buddy rub my back! An girls why are you so open to the idea of backrubs femano e femano? (I doubt that this is an actual word, but it was fun using it) input on this subject would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you are a male out there reading this and thinking it would be funny to give me a backrub the next time you see me. I will KILL YOU! God Bless.


  • Gabe, do your worst. Next time I see you, I am going to rub your back. Hopefully in front of lots of people who respect you. And you're going to like it.

    By Blogger bradley, at 6:34 PM  

  • Brad,
    My worst will surely end your life. And if your hopes of it happening in front of people then it will end mine as well since I will be doing a life sentence in the BIG HOUSE. But it would be worth it to avoid the inappropriate and unwanted man-to-man backrub.

    By Blogger Our Family, at 3:14 PM  

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