2 short days + 4 long hours = 24!
24 is starting up this Sunday and Monday nights! DON"T forget to watch! Its gonna be great!
24 is starting up this Sunday and Monday nights! DON"T forget to watch! Its gonna be great!
Whoa is Jack Bauer going to be done killing terrorists before we start? We might have to adjust plans...
Duerkop, at 10:21 PM
Try this on for size
24/Counter-strike Monday Nights!
How does it fit?
Folkestad, at 2:51 PM
Ah, that does work out, I wasn't sure what time 24 got over with. But isn't this the two hour premier? We may have to push CS back an hour?
Duerkop, at 5:49 PM
this is the 2 hour special. What time should we start? Rettler is on the other end of the world, so we need to find a time that he can join in.
I am up for anything.
Folkestad, at 5:36 PM
Dude, I'll be on whenever you tell me to be on, at least this Monday. Classes don't start for another two weeks.
bradley, at 3:01 AM
Well, I'm working on getting online now - get a little practice in. So if everything goes right I will be online after 24 is over on Monday.
Duerkop, at 4:43 PM
Well, what do you veteran "24" watchers think so far? I am certainly engaged. The current president is deplorable.
Duerkop, at 9:29 PM
Duerk, if you've been on before, where are you playing? I haven't seen you in on24.
We should revive the [Old Jim] clan? I wasn't in it, in fact maybe none of us were... Should we make a clan?
bradley, at 1:40 AM
So what time tonight? When does 24 end for you guys?
bradley, at 4:41 PM
24 will be over at 9:00 tonight. I have to TiVo it though and watch it later. It would be a late night if you wanna play with me. Let me know. I am up for anything.
I am cfolk. I will try to get on the on24.
Folkestad, at 6:15 PM
hmm, maybe we should start earlier - and record 24 - I dont want to be up too late either. I am going to try to get on now
Duerkop, at 6:22 PM
well, nobody's given me a time yet, but i'm on there right now. i'll be on for a while. hope to see ya
bradley, at 7:52 PM
and remember, i'm two hours behind, so a late night for you is early afternoon for me :)
bradley, at 7:55 PM
I'll be on one hour from now - once 24 is over - I dont think I can pull off playing and recording at the same time. (My computer is my "tivo")
Duerkop, at 7:59 PM
I am now officially in the market for a new Laptop. Kate spilled a glass of water on hers and fried it. Anyone got any good leads?
CS was fun last light. Sorry I couldn't stay around longer, had to go watch the TiVoed 24. Wow, I love that show!
Folkestad, at 11:26 AM
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