Musings from Crown Alumni

Monday, August 07, 2006

I didn't mean to abandon you, I really didn't. I had no idea that I had orphaned you as much as I did, but you have to realize that I have been out of civilization for the last two months. This means I've had no cell phone service and very little internet use. Yes, I've been at camp. And though Silver Lake was in the city, Northwoods is in the middle of nowhere, so I basically dropped out of existence for a short time. It was great, actually. And now that I am back, the adjustment back into normal life has been a bit of a shock. I have way too many voice mail messages waiting for me on my phone, a stack of unread mail, and about a thousand e-mails to respond to. Such is life, I guess. At the last minute I decided to accept an invitation from my bosses at camp to attend a Bible Leadership Institute on a scholarship from them, but it started the day our camp season ended. So after the last camper was gone and the last cabin was cleaned, I loaded my stuff onto a bus (with no AC in 99 degree heat) and sweated my way down to Chicago to spend 10 days studying the Word and decompressing after the summer of camp. Between the craziness of the summer (that will have to be a book someday, no room here) and the leadership camp, my life has of course been completely turned up-side down, and although I don't really know what that means quite yet, I am excited about it. So that's that for now. Thanks for keeping this thing going in my absence. I'll try not to stay away so long in the future, though I'm glad I was missed.


  • I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about...just kidding. Goodness, yes, an update is needed. I'll have to swing out to Crown soon.

    Hope you're loving married life!

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 12:34 PM  

  • No kidding Steve, noisy and a little bit co-dependent. I'll take the blame for that.

    Welcome back to you too!

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 8:44 PM  

  • Mom! Welcome back!

    Don't you ever call me co-dependent again you jerk.


    Junior High Gabe

    By Blogger Our Family, at 11:20 AM  

  • Gabe, you make me laugh.

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 1:33 PM  

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