Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Where are you Lynnea? I think that I know what it would be like to be an orphan. This blog family was started by one person and that was Lynnea. She was the mother of the Crown bloggers. She took care of us and nurtured us and taught us that we could communicate even though we were far apart. She recruited a father for us named Steve. He kept us laughing and showed us how to properly write about our lives and issues. It was a magical family...until now! Our mother has abandoned us for who knows what. She has left her little infant bloggers out on the street and refused to join in the family she so lovingly created. This has also come at a time when pops has decided he is to good for us and his personal life is no longer worth sharing at our level. We are abandoned, helpless children waiting for our folks. But we wait in vain. Some of us post adorable pictures of our lives and yet no response is made. Some of us post telling stories about life, but still our parents are silent. Where are you mom and dad? Why have you left? We miss you! ;)


  • Well you amused me at least. We may be the last of a once large and vibrant family - how sad.

    By Blogger Duerkop, at 9:47 AM  

  • Oh my goodness, this is hilarious. I'm so sorry!!

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 12:37 AM  

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