Musings from Crown Alumni

Monday, May 01, 2006

The fact that Steve has no idea what I do besides school tells me that I have not been posting often enough...So here's an update (my "updates" basically consist of the same info over and over, but it's better than nothing). At this moment I am trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel we know as spring semester. The light? Summer. I'm teaching Merchant of Venice right now, which I love, and I have only one week of teaching left before finals. In two weeks I will be officially done with all of my course work at St. Thomas. This summer I will be presenting a paper that I wrote on Willa Cather's symbolic use of hands in her fiction at the annual 2006 Cather Symposium at U of Neb. Lincoln. Those who know me well are aware of my slight obsession with Cather, so I was incredibly excited to be invited to the symposium. The rest of my summer will be spent as assistant program director at Northwoods Camp. (This is the new location of the camp I spent many years lifeguarding at, Silver Lake). I'm a but nervous, but it will be a good experience for me. Tyler, Krista's boyfriend, is going to be the head male counselor, so I feel better knowing that there will be someone there who is competent and has more experience in the programming realm than I do. Krista, by the way, is going to spend three months in Sicily teaching swimming lessons on a naval base this summer. Of course I'm not jealous at all.

So that's life. Teaching, studying, working at the health club, training for a marathon, etc. I went to the Gospel Jamboree last night and that was a blast from the past. That's all for now, I'll try to post more regularly, you all should too. If you get a chance, of course, no pressure. Okay, I'm done. Bye!


  • Lynnea,

    What marathon are you training for?

    By Blogger Our Family, at 10:50 AM  

  • Call me old-fashioned, but if you're in the Navy, you should already know how to swim. ;-)

    By Blogger bradley, at 11:47 AM  

  • I'm running the Twin Cities Marathon on Oct. 1. I have been training for a few months, but now that I am actually registered for it I can start to tell people about it. I'm officially committed now. No backing out. (Can you tell I'm trying to convince myself that I can do it?)

    Hopefully those in the Navy do know how to swim already, but Krista will be teaching their kids.

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 6:16 PM  

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