Musings from Crown Alumni

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Okay. Here I am, posting. I spent the last week in California visiting Kristy Fowler, Sarah Bubna, Bradley James, Kristin Rich, and others. I suppose all of that Crown alumni interaction satiated my need to check the blog as regularly as I usually do, and now I feel terribly out of the blogging loop. Now I'll try to plow my way back in.

I guess I kind of feel like I haven't been able to post until I post some sort of stance on the whole Crown discussion that has been taking place on this blog, and the problem is, I don't really know if I have one. A stance, that is. So if you could just give me a bit more time to process things... I'll write about it soon.

So for now, take this for what it's worth: I've decided not to continue teaching at Crown after this semester. It's official now, I met with all of the necessary people to let them know, and their overwhelming support made it clear that this is the right move. It has just become very clear to me that teaching is for me, but Crown is not the place for me to do it. Right now, anyway. So I've decided to take the next semester that I would be teaching and focus on presenting papers at various conferences, trying desperately to get some essays published, and possibly applying to Ph.D. programs. Those are things that are so difficult to focus on when spending 90 hours a week prepping, teaching, and grading. So, that's the plan, and I feel really good about it.

Let's see, what else is new...Not much, I guess. I'll try to check back in more often than I have been lately. I'll write more later. "Later" is a relative term, though...Right?


  • Later means anything after the present :)

    Nice to hear that you've decided that teaching is for you. I wasn't aware that your stance on that was that firm, but I'm glad to hear it.

    By Blogger bradley, at 12:29 AM  

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