Musings from Crown Alumni

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Well, I'm a day late, and for that I apologize. I could jump on here only to lament my managerial misgivings made by my maidenly maddenin.... It's late, and my mind isn't what it once was. Like I was saying, I have enough downers in the week dealing with 17-year-olds who tell me to live a little and lighten up, or simply play the classic freeze-me-out game popular in the third grade (and again in the seventh and eleventh, for some reason), or I could recount our oven fire that had my heart racing towards it's final bu-dump, but instead I'll relay my week's pleasantries.
One was some renewed contact with a young lady, to remain nameless here, who is stunning in every possible way I have discovered... I hope to receive a copy of her master's thesis here soon, if anybody needed a hint (and if you still don't know, ask Lynnea). So, she makes me smile in the face of oven-fires and heart-dampening teenagers.
Another was just a few minutes ago, watching the latest Wallace and Grommit cartoon with my family. It was lovely, though racier than any other Wallace and Grommit show I'd seen, so somewhere between a Pilsbury girl's floor and Andy Burton. No offence, Burton, you're just not racy.
Third, Thursday, which happened to be National Cute Girls Come to Quiznos Day. Sophie from Radio Shack came in, and I told her she was missed, and she rather enjoyed that one. Well, I could keep going, but let's just say it eased the tensions in my mind brewing with the young ladies I had to deal with behind the counter.
Connected with Thursday, today. One of the girls, one from Hollywood Video around the corner, came in again tonight, and so she might have gotten a little extra attention... and then I needed to rent Curse of the Were Rabbit, so I returned the courtesy call to her humble abode. She smiled at me a lot. So, I've got to return the video at some point. It's probably just a lot of hot air from my end, but what else can I do here but try and please Gabe the Babe?
Oh, and I talked to Molly Jane today, and it was lovely, and today was her birthday, and that's lovely. I'm sure she misses you all. Well, if that makes you feel better, than definitely believe it, but if you don't care, then she probably doesn't, and if that's a problem then you'd better take it up with her because I'm not the one that I'm telling you I'm missing you. How's that for confusing? Final question: How do I get a cheap ticket to New York (no interesting offers involved, or livestock shipping, either)? I hope this give you all something to take your minds off of what you're supposed to be doing. I do that in real life, too.


  • You and your dog need to both simmer down.

    By Blogger Duerkop, at 6:27 PM  

  • Duerkop, I just woke my roommate with my laughter. Beautiful!

    By Blogger bradley, at 1:25 AM  

  • Ha! Nice, too bad Hubka can't laugh with his concussion.

    By Blogger Duerkop, at 6:42 PM  

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