Musings from Crown Alumni

Friday, March 03, 2006

I can't handle it! I check the blog and the last entry date doesn't change. Everyday for a week now I have checked and nothing. (Get a life you say? Shut up I say! Seriously, Shut up!) I blame Steve. He posted with intelligence and made us think. That always seems to clog the blog. However, I am at an impasse. I cannot truly blame Steve, because this blog has remained strong due mostly to his many hilariously insightful posts. If it were not for him I probably would not check it nearly as often. What am I trying to say? I need the details of your lives. Give em up.

On to other news. I am getting a rare speaking opportunity tomorrow. I am the keynote speaker for a father daughter banquet at a church in New Prague. Sounds pretty impressive. It's not. The banquet attendance will be 20 and I am filling in because the first guy cannot make it. It is big news to me, but in reality not that big of a deal.

Still other news. I have had an amazing year reading my Bible. I have made extremely large amounts of time to read it and have been amazed by the results in my life. In Isaiah 55 it talks about the Word of God going out and not returning void. It compares this with rain coming down to earth and nourishing the earth before returning back to the clouds. In essence it means reading our Bibles has a somewhat unexplainable nourishing effect on our lives. I have found this to be true. If you are not daily in the Word, then I think you are a fool. If simply reading it contains so much benefit for our lives. Why would we not? Just a thought.


  • Gabe, the offical pastor of the Blog! Good to hear from you man. It is also good to hear that I am not the only one that checked the blog daily only to see the date never change! Good to hear man!
    Thanks for filling in for me at that Father/Daughter deal. I just couldn't make it down there. I am sure that you will do a good job.
    I too have found the Bible to be a renewing source in my life. However, it is sometimes a struggle to remind out earthly selves to stop and take time. I firmly believe that we MUST be connected to the Word in order to grow in our relationship with Christ. It is a must.
    I have also started reading a book I should have read 5 years ago. The Raggmuffin Gospel by Manning. Wow, he writes with depth. That is something that can not be said of many Christian writers today (there are many good writers, don't get me wrong).
    That is all for now. Can't wait to see you on the 4th! Go D2S, Go TWINS and GO WINGS! BE THERE!

    By Blogger Folkestad, at 4:34 PM  

  • I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'm working on it. Or at least thinking about it...which is kind of working on it.

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 12:36 AM  

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