Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Happy St. Urho's Day Everyone!
I am just curious to see if Steve actually knows who St. Urho was and why he is remembered by the Finland people. It will be interesting to hear his history report!

On other news, Kate and I are heading out to Cali on Monday for a Youth Conference. It just so happens that the World Baseball Classic is the day we fly in, so we also go tickets for that. It is going to be a much needed break from Menahga and Sebeka. We are really looking forward to it. Plus, it will be a really great conference. (and much better weather too!)

Thats all for now,


  • Hubka, you are close! He is a myth from Finland that killed all the grasshoppers and saved the grapes. There is a 15 foot statue of him in Menahga, I can see it from my house. Ask Gabe, he had his picture taken with St. Urho!

    Hope you celebrate St. urho's day tongiht!


    By Blogger Folkestad, at 6:28 PM  

  • Hubka,
    Couple of things... I realized I don't have an email address for you. I seem to remember it was something like "godrulz at juno" but am not sure anymore. Let me know what address you are useing these days - (duerkopn atsign yahoo dot com).

    When you do I would love a copy of your crown memoirs as I see they are no longer available on your original blogging experiment.

    Finally, I somehow though of you after reading the following story,

    By Blogger Duerkop, at 8:53 PM  

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