Musings from Crown Alumni

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Since I have no intoxicating elements coursing through my veins except the sugars from a Cadberry Creme Egg, I felt I could pass along a fun convergence of lives that occurred tonight in my hometown. The Crown Choir was performing in Cheyenne, so there were Duerkops and Donelsons and Hubkas all in one room, and not one of them were either myself, Molly, or Nate. My parents said hi to Dr. D. Brook was up from Denver hanging out with my best friend, and even Rachel (Martin) Krueger was there. I don't know how often that sort of thing happens when the choir is on tour, but it was fun to hear about tonight. Well, I won't do anything else to blab my way out of your endearing hearts. Too late. All the rest of you living in Minnesota, hang out with each other for my sake. And talk me up to anybody cute and brunette and well educated... hint hint. Oh, and female, in case that part wasn't implied. Bye.


  • Are you finding it ironic or something that you have always like Russian authors and now when you meet real live Russians (young women no less) they tick you off? Maybe that is not is intriguing as I first thought it was but I laughed anyway. Apartment by yourself? Sounds, well, intriguing.

    By Blogger Duerkop, at 11:40 PM  

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