Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Well, Kurbis is getting fiesty, and I do have some big news. Hopefully it'll be solidified a bit better tomorrow night, but... I'm going to tell the story from the beginning. Some of you may have already heard about this because I was too excited not to send some random e-mails, but if this is the first you've heard, don't feel left out. Or do, and give me a call. Or give me money. Wardrobe suggestions. Anything really.
I went dancing last Saturday after a grueling split shift at work. In less time than it takes the average person to competently fill out the first page of their taxes, I was home, showered, changed, and walking into an Elk's Lodge to have a good night. There weren't more than thirty people there. I danced with a few different girls. Whatever. Then I noticed two girls off to one side of the room. Cute girls. You know how I feel about cute girls. I asked the first one to dance. She was pretty darn good. The next song, I asked the other one. She said this was her first swing dance and she was still working on the basics. We had a good dance, the song ended, and I thought I was socially required to keep cycling through the other dozen girls there when this one particular girl asked if we could just keep dancing. I, of course, said no. Ha! I'm not that stupid. For the next two hours, I danced almost constantly with this one girl, and we talked, and the music would stop, and we'd be standing talking, and another song would start and she would say "can we dance and talk at the same time?" and she smiled a lot. I'll admit I was a little smitten. Oh, and she's got an Australian accent with about half her words (grew up in Australia), so that's hot. And she goes to a small Christian college in Portland, almost the same size as Crown. Yeah, she's a tutor. College sophomore. I asked her for her number with some awkward adage about going out for coffee. She gave me her number. She left. I drummed on my dashboard almost the entire drive home.
Luckily the story isn't over. I called her yesterday (held off as long as I could), we talked for a long time (and you know what that means if it's me saying it), and we're going out tomorrow night. Now this is how dating is supposed to work!
Oh, I guess that's not a good subject to keep this thing rolling. What can I say that's antagonistic enough so that Kurbis is happy? I'll write a syllogism:
Hilary Clinton is all evil.
Hilary Clinton is a Democrat.
Democrats are all evil.
I love this logic stuff. I'll try another and really get Kurbis going.
Duerkop is good.
Duerkop is a Republican.
Duerkop is not Hilary Clinton
Therefore Duerkop is not in it for his own glory.
Let's try one more:
Hubka is really excited about his date tomorrow night.
Hubka is not taking Hilary Clinton out.
Hubka is happy about that.
Bill Clinton is not.
Hubka forgot the rules of logic.
Hubka does not care because he has a hot date tomorrow night.
Therefore, Hubka is done writing.
Kurbis, it's your turn.


  • That was hilarious Hubka, good luck tomorrow!

    By Blogger Duerkop, at 10:29 AM  

  • Keep us informed about how the date goes. Congrats my man!

    By Blogger Our Family, at 10:32 AM  

  • Your first syllogism is invalid. If p --> q and p --> r, it does not follow that q --> r.

    Another example:

    All ravens are black
    Kevin Brown is black
    Therefore, Kevin Brown is a raven

    By Blogger bradley, at 3:47 PM  

  • Also, I think it's funny that you met a cool girl at the Elk Lodge :)

    By Blogger bradley, at 3:47 PM  

  • Hubka, its good to see you are back in the game, I was begining to wonder if you were going brokeback on us.

    By Blogger Folkestad, at 7:38 PM  

  • How Do I get brought into this?! I havent done one damn thing to make it seem like I am being overly antagonistic! I have been very intentional about being respectful. I resent that I am somehow the rabble rouser, you bastard.

    But really, I have been nice. I dont try and raise hell like I used to...honest!

    Anyways, Democrats are just a little less evil then republicans. They both do the same things 90% of the time. Thats right Duerkop, by what I said you are almost 90% Democrat!

    Anyways, I dont want to be the bad guy...its just that I am always right.

    By Blogger kurbis, at 8:37 AM  

  • Ah, but the difference is in that 10%. Considering human and mouse DNA are 96% similar, 10% is huge.

    By Blogger Duerkop, at 2:19 PM  

  • Hubka,
    I want pictures. We need to see the two of you together in photo. We are a bit sceptical (at least I am! I lived with you for two years! I just need proof man)

    By Blogger Folkestad, at 9:17 PM  


    By Blogger Folkestad, at 10:25 PM  

  • Steve,
    I got your pictures you sent, but seriously! My internet filter will not let me open them... What the heck, I just wanted to see you holding her hand! NOTHING MORE! Please send new ones that are more approperiate! I now have to explain to the board of my church why the filter stopped me from opening pictures from you on the church computer... Thanks Steve!

    By Blogger Folkestad, at 4:55 PM  

  • oh my goodness, such crazy things happen on this blog when I don't check it for a while. Congrats Steve! Any updates???

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 12:25 AM  

  • HUbka, I gotta know! were you in the blue chair I picked up for you and wraped in the green blanket? For some reason Steve wraped in a blanket at 10:45 brings back vivid memories!

    By Blogger Folkestad, at 4:10 PM  

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