Musings from Crown Alumni

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Not That I Care, But...
Just read this article on WCCO and wondered what you guys do. Do you get paper or plastic when you go to the grocery store? Or, are you really friends with Al Gore and bring your own bag? Like I said before, I really don't care, I concider myself bisacual.

for me... usually plastic, it is easier to carry.


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Friday, March 30, 2007

This used to be very easy, now it's a little daunting. I actually was waiting for Duerkop to post some pictures and a quick something about he and I visiting Anne and Molly in the Northeast. I have never successfully posted pictures, so I'm not ready to learn new tricks now. I retell a little bit of our trip on my blog, which is linked on the right there.
It's no wonder nobody does this anymore. This is hard. Most of my stories are either about dancing or something from work, and without the handy use of the flow-chart I created for my roommate, it's hard to navigate through the dozens of names I reference concerning dancing. Work, is simple enough, but difficult to translate. I mean, Amber winked at me the other day. That was a highlight. Meaningless to everyone but me.
To make Duerk happy, I'll just mention that right now I'm listening to Johnny and June Carter Cash, "Jackson", and it's making me smile a bit. Before that was "One bourbon, one scotch, one beer," though not the original version. I've also been stuck on Alison Krauss lately. In a musical way. And probably other ways... it's me after all.
I think I have trouble writing anymore because I was with some friends a few weeks ago, and this one guy mentioned how much he couldn't stand people who detailed their lives in the blog world because it was impossible keep up or stay interested, not realizing that I could nearly be labled as such. So I've tried to ease back from the narcissism that keeps me blogging with a regular frequency. I don't know if anyone else has come across this thought. Probably everybody did a long time ago and I'm just the last to jump aboard and shut up. I can't even elaborate a very simple premise clearly on here anymore. So, here's my last clear thought before hunger and necessity cause me to leave in search of dinner (Lebannese, I hope): Until I have a good story to tell, I won't be back here filling up space because of non-blogging anxiety. I hope the community get a little more lively as summer rolls in.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Well I don't have any exciting news this time, just wanted to have you guys check out what I did at youth group last night! Lets just say I am trying the things I never did because I was scared of getting fired! Check you my blog here. I will also be updating my address and phone numbers when we make the big move in just over a week!

Posts don't have to be earth shattering!

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Well, it's been far too long since we've had a real post, although we have been meeting our monthly quota of comments. And now I'm going to be a huge hypocrite and not post anything of length or content...

I just want to make sure that no one else is having trouble posting since we switched over to the new blogger. I had to delete and reinvite Steve, so if anyone else can't post, please let me know, and I'll hopefully be able to fix it for you.

Other than that, life is good. Very, very good. I've been working at Hungtington Learning Center, which began as a part time job while I was in grad school, and has developed into very meaningful, full-time work. It's the perfect type of teaching to do because I get to work with such a wide variety of kids and adults, and teach many different types of subjects (I'm talking English, Reading, Phonics, ACT and SAT prep, etc. here, not Math or anything else I'm clearly not qualified to teach. Although I did teach one section of ACT Science in a pinch...). Anyway, it's great, and I'm lucky to have stumbled into it.

I've gotten into the habit of waiting to post until I have some sort of new development or news to share, which doesn't happen too often, so I'm going to work on that. Hopefully you'll be hearing from me more often from here on out. But I guess I should be careful what I promise.

Okay, your turn.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Its about time!

Sorry about being so slow in getting you the not so breaking news. Katie and I accepted a new job at St. Croix Falls Alliance church in St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin. We will be moving there right after Easter. I had to tell the youth tonight, wow, that was hard! But it was a relief.

I was crying, they were crying and one 7th grade punk was going to all the girls and saying... "Its going to be ok, come and give me a hug." Totally macking on the girls! A seventh grader macking on seniors.... It was priceless. Totally reminded me of Steve!

Anyway, we are packing up, moving, hopefully buying a house and having a baby all in the next 2 months. CRAZY!
