Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Well, it's been far too long since we've had a real post, although we have been meeting our monthly quota of comments. And now I'm going to be a huge hypocrite and not post anything of length or content...

I just want to make sure that no one else is having trouble posting since we switched over to the new blogger. I had to delete and reinvite Steve, so if anyone else can't post, please let me know, and I'll hopefully be able to fix it for you.

Other than that, life is good. Very, very good. I've been working at Hungtington Learning Center, which began as a part time job while I was in grad school, and has developed into very meaningful, full-time work. It's the perfect type of teaching to do because I get to work with such a wide variety of kids and adults, and teach many different types of subjects (I'm talking English, Reading, Phonics, ACT and SAT prep, etc. here, not Math or anything else I'm clearly not qualified to teach. Although I did teach one section of ACT Science in a pinch...). Anyway, it's great, and I'm lucky to have stumbled into it.

I've gotten into the habit of waiting to post until I have some sort of new development or news to share, which doesn't happen too often, so I'm going to work on that. Hopefully you'll be hearing from me more often from here on out. But I guess I should be careful what I promise.

Okay, your turn.


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