Wow! I have not checked thing thing in a long time. Unfortunately I don't appear to be alone. I just wanted to give a quick update of my life. Jessica and I are expecting child number 4. I am 26 years old and I will have 4 children 3 1/2 years of age or less. The doctors are unable to tell me at this time what the gender of baby 4 will be, but I am convinced that it will be a male. I must convince myself of this to make it through the day. 4 daughters would be "fun." (please note that the previous line should be read in a sarcastic way)
Other then that life is amazingly a lot like the last time I posted. Everything is going sweet. I should get back to work. Talk to you soon.
Other then that life is amazingly a lot like the last time I posted. Everything is going sweet. I should get back to work. Talk to you soon.
congrats to both you & Jessica!
j.doc, at 5:17 PM
Gabe, I'm sure you're not the only 26 year old in the universe with four kids. I mean, there's gotta be someone else... Maybe in Alabama or New Zealand or something...
bradley, at 11:52 AM
Congrats!!!! I'm sure it will be a boy...
Lynnea, at 5:04 PM
Brad, there are lots of 26 year olds who have at least 4 babies. Just think, 26 in the NBA is old. Some of those guys have more kids than they even know about!
Gabe, you are in good company!
Folkestad, at 8:37 AM
I never thought of the NBA players. Or those crappy New Zealander's. I guess I am not so special after all.
Our Family, at 1:45 PM
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