Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Alright Hubka you win. The blog isn't dead.
And Gabe you win. You have twins. You are more of a man than any of us.
And Kurbis you win. Because you are still hardcore.
But you aren't as hardcore as Marty who plays the keyboard. Now THAT is hardcore.
Sarcasm aside I decided to post up here on life down south in the suburbs of St. Louis. Things are going alright. About two weeks ago I got to baptize two of the guys that I have been in Bible study with all summer. It was quite an experience losing my baptism virginity. Those moments that day have been something that I have held onto when days aren't as good. The Bible study that I lead has grown to 8 or 9 people on any given Wednesday and only two of us aren't recovering alcoholics. It is pretty cool stuff. Our church is going well. There are encouraging days and days where boredom just makes things suck. What is a "pastor" supposed to do all day? Seriously it has been 7 months and I have no idea. Do I really get paid to hang out with Starbucks employees? I don't know. I try not to think about it and try not to be lazy. It is good to read about the rest of your lives, it sounds like the adjustments are made to the real world.
I miss ya'll and if you get a chance get your butts down here.
On the debate about Crown: I think it is wrong to dance so I don't do it. And I have no rhythm.
Have a good one and don't ever post again, any of you, so that the blog can really die and then I can call Hubka and laugh at him while he is crying himself to sleep at night.
I am still an idealist and not much of a Christian...go Nader!


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