Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Ha! It worked! I can blog again. Well, I got some time, not too much though, so you can be somewhat relieved. The only funny story I have is from just a few minutes ago. I was in the athletic center (that's a joke in itself, I know), and there was this guy that must've been late-fifties, maybe a bit older than that. His hair was gray, not white, or maybe it was gray because it was soaking wet in thing strands that covered his balding head. This guy looked like he got in the shower for a minute with his clothes on, and then he started working out. It was just the dripping forward-comb-over that really got to me. Oh, and this guy next to me pulled a stud move, asking the girl beside him to borrow her magazine when she was leaving. He didn't even look at it, but I saw him head over later to return it to her. Man, if only I could fake liking magazines better.
So onto the real debate, the one which Kyle convinced me he is right: He should never dance. Just picture it - that's a bit of torture, eh? Okay, you all know I have some bleached-white bones to pick with the way Crown creates and enforces and clings to rules. There's no hiding that, and so I needn't try to defend my position before you (I'm biased - I really like to dance, and you can ask Ali Peterson, I'm not a terrible dancer). But I do want to further the dialogue to a place that I think more fully allows me to understand my complaint: I think Crown should be finding out what things really plague the student body - things that can be regulated with some sort of rule-base, but can also be reduced through student recourse involving fixing the problems, not being punished for failing to meet standards. Is Crown really setting itself up to create the enviroment most condusive to what they want, or are major problems sliding under the radar while things that have no tangible effect on the student body are still given a taboo status because of out-dated rules? Another thing to ask before I go (so soon before I wanted to really flesh [get it?] this all out): Josh is correct, we did say yes to whatever Crown wanted us to do. Will any one of us claim that we didn't consciously break rules at one time or the other? So we just see that we are rule-breakers, but I'd like to see the Crown body break rules that point to real problems on campus, and we can further discuss what those problems are later, if we all wish, but I don't think they have anything to do with dancing, alcoholic consumption, use of tobacco, or gambling (don't mean I condone all those things, or consider them amoral, I just think there are other things infecting our alma mater). Gotta go catch my bus. Don't listen to Kyle! Oh, and Brad, I am voting Bush, and maybe I'll explain why later, after somebody else blogs, or after he loses the election.


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