Musings from Crown Alumni

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Kurbis, it's good to know that you see things so clearly. Doesn't mean I'm voting like you, but if the race were one-sided, I'd be voting Nader just to get that third-party ticket out there in the mainstream some more. Death to the two-party system. I mean, I must be really confused voting for stuff around here, on the one hand voting for a state-constitutional amendment defining marriage (we're the first civilization to misunderstand what marriage is - please somebody explain to me when this has happened before - I'm not against gay couples seeing each other in the hospital, I'm just troubled by the definition of marriage that comes out of nowhere calling its necessary requirement love and nothing more, where will it end? What if a forty-year-old guy really loves a fourteen-year-old girl - or guy? Why can't three people love each other and be married? We have the right to love who we love, right? Open the doors now, close them when and how?) and then on the other hand, I am voting to legalize the use of medicinal marijuanna (Duerk, can we say, "Reefer Madness"?), so I guess I'm a bit all over the place. Maybe the entire venture of democracy is only meant to allow humanity to see itself for being truly awful. Maybe we should just finish off this entire venture and see how anarchy works. Ah - I hate politics. Plato is right. Oh, and Kurbis, Animal Farm is good, but Orwell does a better job in 1984, and if you want some reasons why he hates communism (marxism to be exact), his memoirs during the Spanish Civil War are great - Homage to Catalonia. It may bring present circumstances into focus.
Lynnea, I forgot to ask you about the company you work for, the tutoring people, if they need some more help, if they take people on full-time, ya know, a lot of things. Don't worry, I'm not ready to come back to Minnesota, yet. Just like to keep my options open.
Question for you ladies out there: If a guy (if you need one to picture for this instance, just picture me, only better looking and with a lot more social grace) took you out, just you and him, six different times, would the thought cross your mind that he might be interested in you? And when I say went out, I mean went to dinner, watched some movies, got ice-cream, ect. Just wondering what I missed here. I obviously need some help being obvious, so any tips?
Josh, no reason to swing blunt objects at a lifeless equine, but you more than most can say something clearly about how you think our school helped or hurt with their various recoursiary (I realize that's not a word... I'm a history grad student, not a good grad student) methods. I spent some time several nights ago writing back to you, but it was all deleted, so I will chalk it up to divine intervention, and leave all else alone, if I can. What meat is left on my bones must be there only for scavengers. I think if the half of us that question the school's authority and the other half of us that simply wish to submit and think of it no further - if we could both come together and find out whether there are reasons to both sides, maybe we all can be enlightened and find ourselves ready to be the authority some day with a grasp on the consequences metigating authority can have on people and situations. Or not.
Another question for all: If I began posting just short, one or two paragraph sections of my memoirs on here, would you all want to read them, or should I do such things elsewhere? I think what I would post would be humorous to all, but if most would rather not be put through that, my literary outlet will be found elsewhere. Just an idea.
Well, in closing, I'd like to recount to all, verbatim, what I recieved in the mail this week - being a Universtiy of Montana student:
It is illegal for anyone
under the age of 21 to
attempt to purchase or
be in possession of
an alcoholic beverage.
(opposite side of the card)
More cops
More carding
MIP (I didn't know what this meant at first, but it's minor in possession) 1st offense: $150
MIP 2nd offense: $200
MIP 3rd offense: Up to $500*
*plus counseling and treatment,
alcohol education (D.A.R.E.?), and/or jail time
A clean record
All job opportunities open
No explanations to parents
Saving your cash
No jail visits this semester (that's what they think!)
Why didn't Crown ever give us one of these? It's so catchy, and I am suddenly grossed out by alcohol... wait, no it's just that I still don't like beer. Just keep it in mind - even though "Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U. S. Department of Justice." Hmmm. Hope it made you laugh. Bye.


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