Musings from Crown Alumni

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Gabe, you've got some cute girls there. Not the kind of cute girls I usually comment about, but they are as you say.
Chris, I'll figure something out with putting the memoirs somewhere sometime soon, if possible, but I'm holding off barring other strange stories that are to follow.
And I was wrong about the election. That's two elections in a row when the person I voted for won - this probably is not a taste of things to come. I was up into the night and am really looking forward to a long conversation with Duerkop to hear about the political world in all its aspects. Duerk, if you're still way-tired, tell me to call back later, and it will be so.
This may be a long post, I'm just warning you, and here's why: I have several stories to recount, and maybe they won't take as long as I think, but I'd rather you give up reading this if you wanted something short now than be mad at me later. And the reason I have the time to write on this thing is because I am stupid and while watching the news this morning, I forgot to pack my lunch, so I will be ignoring my stomach for the next hour before class. The election just messed up my schedule as a whole. So let's go in order.
Sunday was supposed to be a day set aside to work on some laundry, some reading, some writing, dishes, and probably a gamut of other things that I wanted to get to. One of the married friends that spends a good deal of time with Bob came over, and the strangest thing happened as we left our apartment complex to find some lunch for the two young fellows: We drove backwards for at least a half-mile if not further, with some surrounding traffic, and some internalized protests from this conservative thinker. But it was somewhat exhilirating, and it is much easier to gauge your impact on other drivers when you are staring at them windshield to windshield. We received some strange looks. Soon enough I found myself playing Halo early on at a friend's apartment with Bob there, as well. Shortly after starting some rousing games, the female counterparts to the men I was with informed us of several things that altered my afternoon plans. Remember, I am with two married guys and one that is engaged, with no such female to represent my interests with this group of young ladies. First, we were informed that the girls were cooking dinner. All fine and well. Second, we were informed it was to be at my apartment. I had a week's worth of dirty dishes there, not to mention no real desire to hurridly move them at someone else's behest. But this is not the end. Thirdly, we were informed that we were going to be leaving our game forthright to return to my apartment and do said dishes. Now I'll say my inner-anger meter was starting to push into the red, but I kept my exterior cool. My problem was with my apartment being commendeered by three women who, in my mind, overstepped their bounds in giving this apartment owner orders instead of asking permission and asking for help (such as cleaning). But we went home and cleaned, and it went rather quickly (it helps having other people to do dishes and things of that nature), and soon enough we were back playing Halo. My anger subsided at the thought of being fed in a way I could not recreate on my budget or culinary skills, and so we had a Thanksgiving-like meal on Halloween thanks to some forthright significant others. It was a good meal, with ham and yams and potatoes and corn-cassorole (how do you spell that word?), apple cider, pumpkin pie, just the myriad of dishes expected at other holiday gatherings, but not this one. So, my stomach was full, and my anger was greatly deflated, but I am quite sure that I am not prepared to take orders from anyone not paying for rent in my apartment concerning my apartment. Maybe I'm oversensative.
So the next day was a story of a different caliber cropped up. I go to an Intervarsity Grad Bible study with two other girls, both named Meagan (they pronounce it differently, I think), and we've only met once, so... yeah. For those of you wanting a visual, Meagan (the one that pronounces her name Meegan) looks like Cassie... what was her last name... Bethany's friend? Anyway, she not only looks like Cassie, but their personalities are frighteningly similar. But Meagan (pronounced just like you're used to) wanted to invite another girl from work to join us, and I was fine with that. Her name is Amy and she is not a grad student but she is a fifth-grade teacher here in town, and our age, interested in the Bible study. Great. So after interesting events both here and abroad have brought me to the conclusion that I have no chance to suppliment my social life with a significant other such as my roommate has, I have pretty much (as much as possible) given up on possibilities for the forseeable future. I know this sounds like it has no bearing, but it does on this story. Before I left for this Bible study Monday night, I was simply thinking to myself about this new girl I was about to meet. Both Meagans are very great girls, but both came out of recent relationships - and who says I just like any girl that is breathing and over 18, anyway? So I thought to myself, jokingly, the only way this girl was going to get my attention in any way was to be blonde and beautiful beyond what is naturally reasonable. It was amazing to me that God thought it funny to drop that right back in my lap not many minutes later as Amy arrived - blonde and beautiful beyond - yeah you get the picture. Now this doesn't mean I follow through with my assertion that I must pursue any girl with such attributes. I've still got the radar turned on passive-mode, and this young lady changes nothing, but it was funny, nonetheless. The future is unclear, but the present is crystal, and so as Hubka pursuit (is that like Trivial Pursuit?) goes, nothing is even in the works nor shall be any time soon. But isn't it funny? Ha ha ha. I'm finding myself back in the presence of wonderful girls, attractive and very sweet, and the legless dog in an endless yard scenario holds. Speaking of that, Lynnea, I hope you read this far, and understood that my excitement from last week is neither superceded nor diminished, so if you can get ahold of a phone number or pass along a 406-370-3871 number to Jane Doe, I would greatly appreciate it, although I don't know how strange that first conversation may be thanks to your impetuous outburst (I would have it no other way). My common assertion holds true in this case (no offense to you blondes): Blondes can turn heads, but brunettes have staying power.
So Bush won. What is Kurbis going to do from here? Kurbis, next time I'll vote Nader. I just about wrote Robbie down for County Commissioner here. Oh, and we can smoke marijuanna here, but I can't marry Robbie, so I guess everything went as I had hoped on the initiatives. Democracy - "A few harmless flakes working together can unleash an avalanche of destruction." I was hoping the election problems might lead to a revolution that I could be against, but not everything always turns out the way you want. But as Kyle put so eloquently, "Gabe you win. You have twins. You are more of a man than any of us." A quiet nod of admiration for Papa Gabe.


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