Musings from Crown Alumni

Saturday, November 27, 2004

I said I would do this when it happened, although I assumed it would happen years from now, but it has happened and I must let everybody know. Up to this point, all of you have only know the Steve Hubka that is single and unable to be anything else. Today I have crossed into the land where most of you reside without thinking twice about it - the land of dating, engagement, and marriage... and here I am with you! That's right. Me. Her name is Meagan, and her having cats isn't enough to keep me single, so there you have it. Best DTR I've ever had (and I realize some of you are trying to count all the bad ones I had, but there weren't that many, so don't waste your time). This is weird, I know. Trust me, it's not crystal clear on this end, so I can't imagine it's making much sense on your end. Just don't scream out loud when you hear this and then have to explain what you were doing screaming in your office when you were supposed to be working. I don't want to be responsible for anybody's work troubles just because the unthinkable happened. As Kyle said just a bit ago, Hell might be icing over as we speak. Pigs are flying, the Red Socks won the World Series, Kurbis is reading one of my blogs - what has happened to the world?! Well, I've got to keep this short. I would have called more of you to tell you the exciting news, but it was late when this all went down, so I thought this can wait. I mean, true love waits, right? Nevermind, that was crap flying from my fingertips. Robbie said that if I get a girlfriend, I have to get a job because he pays his school bill once a month but pays something for his young lady every day. And I thought I was poor before. Crap! Well, I hope this is something to get the blog abuzz with speculation. You guys should put together a pool for how long this will last. Put me down for ten bucks on the square that crosses the column for "Two weeks" with the row that says "She discovers he plays the banjo." I'm game. Well, I couldn't let this news slide under the radar, so I hope you enjoyed this momentous blog from the long-winded alum some of you have called friend... now I'm just getting sappy. I can't complain about being single anymore. But it was so fun. Well, when the world gives you lemons, you just have to finish that sentence so it sounds like I'm saying something worthwhile because my mind is a bit all over the place and lemons aren't really registering on a cerebreal level let alone in a metaphoric context. And no, I won't be too busy to blog any more (sigh in despair, I know you want to). Last time I had a girlfriend, I was a blond, I had only a driver's permit, I was 5'6" and weighed 120 lbs, rode a BMX bike home from school, was despising the early portion of a second Clinton term, and was still going to the same school as my older brother. I didn't know grad school existed, would have laughed at a school mascot called the Purple Storm, and would never have dreamed that living in the gym would be a realistic part of my future. Okay, enough, I know. I've gotta get some sleep anyway. What can a man do in this day and age? Something right, for once.


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