Musings from Crown Alumni

Friday, November 19, 2004

Wow, it has been unbelievable and amazing to hear how everyone is doing. I just returned from visiting Crown. Sarah Bubna gave her senior testimony today, and I'm pretty sure that it was an unofficial allumni day. It was good to see Daniel and Renee Bubna, Lenny, Justin Winzenburg, Nate Miller, and Kris Clemens. I am one of those people who has spent hours reading these posts and not very much time posting myself. But, as I sat in chapel today, I realized how much I miss seeing and spending time with everyone at Crown. It was weird to be back, but I was also flooded with so many great memories. Like most, okay, all of you, there are things about Crown that I disliked and disagreed with, but I do know that God brought each of us there for at least one reason, friendships. Many people have told me to enjoy the time that I have in college because once you graduate you will lose contact with everyone. I hope to prove them all wrong. Hope you all have a great day!


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