Musings from Crown Alumni

Monday, July 25, 2005

Ok, ok, ok. I concede. I'll post after probably about 6 months of being chaste of this blog. Its still always nice to look on here and see that so many friends are doing so well and to also know what's on everyone's mind. Possibly the reason for my lack of posts was a period where I really didn't want to think about Crown. The way I see it, college is kind of like highschool. Once you're out it is so not cool to still be associated your "college days", but as I think about it more and more I realize that as bitter as I was at Crown, I can't complain one bit. Honestly it wasn't so bad. I look at the lives of some of my old highschool friends and I see that for all the rules and things at Crown it did one great thing for us: it helped us stay moral. All in all I would say that we are in a better place due to our times at Crown. Besides now that I've moved passed all the negativity all I have now are amazing friendships. That can't be all bad.

Now to what I've been doing. Obviously Jessie and I got married back in February and its been a blast to be hitched. We bought a house up in Isanti. Its great here...very quiet, but yet, not too ridiculously far away. Come visit sometime.

I'm still working at Guitar Center. I just got promoted to assistant manager. It's funny, whenever I tell people that the first thing peopel say is "Assistant manager? Like, of the whole store?" Yeah, of the whole store. However, before I officially take over I have to manage the accessories department (guitar strings, pedals etc.). I know nothing about this stuff....It should be interesting.

I'm also leading worship at a church up here in Isanti. Its an Asseblies of God church called Harvest Christian Center. Its great to have a community and we've met a couple of great friends who actually live close to us. The church is pretty new. We're about to procede from being a "home church plant" into official standing in the AG pretty soon. I knew God would take care of there was any doubt.

Jessie is still teaching and coaching the dance team at North Branch High School. She's pretty pumped because next year she gets the pleasure of teaching Shakespeare. Many of you may appreciate it. The best thing about being married to a teacher is the stories she comes home with. Ask her sometime about the kid who put a staple through his hand...on purpose.

Anyways, that's that. I moved blogs over to blogspot recently. If you want to read it you can go here. So update those links and you can learn more.


  • Marty,
    The link to your blog has been updated. Thank you for posting, we've missed you!

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 7:31 AM  

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