Musings from Crown Alumni

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Well, I'll keep this short. It appears I have contracted some form of minor bronchitis along with some nasal infection, nothing serious enough for hospital time, but it's been rough enough on me lately that I made my first doctor's visit since going to Crown. Besides a decongestant and an antibiotic, he told me to switch to diet Mt. Dew. I'm down with the drugs, but the health advice isn't something I can go along with for sure right now. We'll see. Did any of you at the wedding have this thing? I'm just trying to figure where the bronchitis came from. You can't get bronchitis from kissing, can you? I'm actually asking to figure if I can transmit it now, ya know, in case an opporunity arises which I cannot let pass for fear of contagion or general public health. Who on here has any health knowledge, anyway? We're all ministry, liberal arts people, right? Oh well. Yeah, short, I know. I'm done. By the way, my throat hurts.


  • I am sorry man - I blame the dog - ask Maria about it?

    By Blogger Duerkop, at 10:07 PM  

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