Musings from Crown Alumni

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Well the wedding went well. It actually is one of the easiest services a pastor can perform. You really read for most of the service. There is not much memorizing. The couple was appreciative and seemed to be very happy with the outcome of the ceremony. The best part is getting to pronounce them husband and wife. I was a nervous wreck before, but it was a good time. I am so glad I have one out of the way.

In other news my family is doing great. My daughters are both growing so big. There is nothing better in this world then to come home and see them happy to see me again. It turns me mushy EVERY time. It is awesome. My wife is still the most amazing women in the world. I am sorry if you are a women and reading this, but you just cannot compare. At least not in this man's book. Her job never stops and she keeps going and going as a outstanding mom.

I finally watched this little film called Napoleon dynamite. My review is that it is the stupidest movie ever made, but it made me laugh hysterically. When Napoleon asks for the Summer's campaign button and then throws it across the room. That might be one of the funniest moments in cinematic history. My wife gets a little annoyed with me because I like to attempt to talk and act like Napoleon round her. She does not care for his belligerent attitude, which I find to be most amusing.

Josh, congrats on the marriage thing. I did not realize that it was so soon. I must tell you I was very disappointed to not see you at Council. I understand now why you were not there.

So today I read the first 4 chapters of Acts. I was convicted when I came to Acts 2:42 where it says; "They devoted themselves to the Apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." I always read this as a place where I wanted to be. I wanted to get to be devoted to all the things it talks about. What was so convicting is that the verse is talking about the 3,000 who were just converted. They were the ones who started out devoted in these ways. I do not know if you fee like these are not true devotions in your life, but I sure do. And I was strongly convicted to devote myself to them today.


  • Are we on for Thursday? What time and where? Should I get Twins Tickets? Let me know the scoop!

    By Blogger Folkestad, at 1:20 PM  

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