Musings from Crown Alumni

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Gabe, best of luck, you'll do great, what an honor already. Another crazy thing is that I am getting married in practically 50 minutes. Oh my word, crazy, and another, i signed for a house yesterday and moved my fiance (lucky) in today, weird, crazy, surreal, what's going on? Anybody? Bueller? Praise the Lord, who woulda thunk it. Well...there are still invitations sitting in my passengers seat with ya'lls names on them, I am so sorry. Some of your addresses I had, some I've called on, others I still need to, I'm incredibly sorry. You are all invited, none of you are coming I know, (just kidding, I'm incredibly blessed by those making it) Anyways, I would appreciate your prayers in the coming crazy days ahead, thank you!

Lynnea, blessings, we're all behind ya!

Everybody, go see/buy/rent/steal "what the bleep do we know" It is a crazy documentary movie that will blow your head, it did mine, it's the only movie I own. Let me know what you think cause I'm still reeling!


  • Dude - I went with option four regarding "What the Bleep" and finished watching it tonight - we may need to talk. I need to go to sleep now, but there will be more on this later.

    By Blogger Duerkop, at 12:25 AM  

  • Well, I'd better check that out. Love you, man. Congratulations. For some reason I thought you were getting married the 23rd... That wouldn't have made much sense, considering it's a Thursday.

    By Blogger bradley, at 12:30 AM  

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