Musings from Crown Alumni

Saturday, June 18, 2005

I got tired of posting on the comments feature and decided to post an actual blog. Two weeks from today I will be in England. While that thought is scary to me, I have so much reading to do right now that I am not giving myself time to think about it. Halfway through June already and it still does not seem like summer to me. This summer is unlike any I have experienced in several years because (1) I have homework hanging over my head (2) I’m not at camp, but I won’t get started on that and (3) my whole family is going in different directions: Bryan is going to Jamaica for a couple weeks, Dad is going to Romania for a month, I obviously will be at Oxford for six weeks, and Krista decided that moving to West Virginia did not take her far enough away and will join my dad in Romania for a week and a half. My mom is the only one staying in the country and is quite excited to have some time to herself.

Well, now that you all are unnecessarily informed of each of my family members’ summer plans, I will move on. The fact that when I return from Oxford I will have one day before my teaching duties begin is now sinking in and I am beginning to, for the lack of a better term, freak out. There is so much to prepare and not a lot of time to do so, and when I come home from England I am going to want to be catching up with Matt and Krista (they return the same day I do), not taking tours of the library at New Faculty Orientation. Oh well, don’t let my complaints fool you, I actually am very excited to teach in the fall, it is just a bit overwhelming thinking about preparing in detail the next six months of my life (homework for oxford, syllabi and reading for teaching) in the next two weeks. Maybe I need some advice from some of you teachers out there who actually took education courses. How do you do it? How do I decide in June what exactly I want to teach on November 18 (random date, could be a Saturday, but too lazy to check), and what if I change my mind between now and then? Perhaps this is why all of Dr. Wheaton’s syllabi are labeled "TENTATIVE" at the top. Okay, enough, I am done now. Happy summer to you all, I hope you all are keeping busy enough to avoid the trap of contemplation and over-analyzation that I always fall prey to.


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