Musings from Crown Alumni

Saturday, September 30, 2006

You know how I feel about posting twice in a row, but this is too big to be quiet about. I have a job(s) in Portland, and I'm moving down there over the next two weeks. I put in my two weeks at work today, and I dropped off my month notice to my apartment complex, so it's been one of those big-deal days today. I get to live with a Michael-Patrick-like guy that goes to my church in a house for significantly less than I pay for my stupid apartment. And my new job is full-time, and not six days a week, and not nights, and not making picky people's sandwiches. Of course I won't eat as much, and it will actually cost me money to eat Quiznos now, but I'll be making enough to actually pay for it, maybe. And I'll be less than two miles from my girlfriend's campus! I get a girlfriend, a job that's not best suited for high schoolers, I'll be living in a house and maybe riding some mass transit to work, or something. I'm so grown up. I know all of you have been doing this for like six years or something, but I'm slow and awkward, so it would take me this long to be an adult by nature of income and living situation.
Not as fun as my usual blogs, I know. I've gotta go clean my apartment. My young lady might be stopping by, and I'm waiting to unload crumbly/lazy Steve on her until later. Well, she's seen lazy, but untidy, that can wait. Just like love, and patience. True patience waits. Sorry, I didn't sleep much, thinking about quitting my job and stuff like that, so I'll find somewhere else to drop all this stupid until one of you guys has something important (or not) to talk about on here. Later.
P.S. Kurbis - can you explain Australian rules football to me? Ms. Australia herself has me watching games, and it's confounding, so if you have some time, please help me seem less like the unathletic loser I am, at least in front of the girlfriend. Thanks.


  • no way?! i'm going to portland november 3-5 to attend the northwest philosophy conference. i'm planning on staying with josh mann, but perhaps i could spend a night with you? i'll have at least two, maybe a few more, people with me. either way, i'll definitely have to see you. it's at the university of portland.

    as far as aussie rules football (or footie, as they call it over there) goes, it's pretty much the best sport on earth, potentially the galaxy. i got to go see a game when i was in australia, and it was awesome. check out wikipedia; they've got a good write-up on it.

    By Blogger bradley, at 10:01 PM  

  • congratulations. a friend and i thinking about a west coast excursion-- i will remember that you are still in the area and perhaps see you walking about in khakis and a button up... is it that kind of job? the sandwich shop will miss you. i can tell these things.

    By Blogger jasmine, at 10:30 AM  

  • Steve, I totally know what you mean about feeling like things are finally falling into place career-wise, location, etc. and then realizing that everyone else got to that place a long time ago. Like when we graduated. But that's okay, we just took detours along the way. I'm so happy for you. What exactly is this job?

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 9:26 PM  

  • You should check out , my friend Ryan plays on the team. They explain all the rules and stuff. It is definately a fun sport to watch.

    By Blogger Bekah, at 2:52 PM  

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