Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Based on the overwhelming response and "Ada boys" I recieved from the C&MA post, I thought I better get the other exciting news to all of you as quick as possible. And... based on the fact that I leave for Tanzania, Africa in T minus 5 days, (That is HUGE news in its self), I better get it out.

Kate and I decided that Gabe was just having too much fun being like the only parent figure on this blog, so we decided to join in the fun. Kate is due sometime in May. Fairly exciting stuff! For the few of you that I have talked to in the last couple months and said there was no news on any babies for us, I kinda lied. We just wanted to make sure all was well before the info was worthy of the blog.

So there you have it. I was licensed for the CMA, I am spending the next 3 weeks of my life in Africa, and I am the soon to be dad to the coolest kid in the world. Life is full of high blood pressure moments, and it looks like mine are just starting.

Happy times at the Folkestad home.


  • No offense taken. Its's about time somebody else got a family started. Congrats Folkestad's!

    By Blogger Our Family, at 8:53 AM  

  • Wow. Congratulations!

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 9:55 AM  

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