Musings from Crown Alumni

Friday, October 20, 2006

So Steve wants a good post. Well, stop reading if you think you are about to get one. (That is assuming you read the first part of the line after seeing who posted) I do not have any great theological conundrums to write about, but I have a fun story.

Invader Chapter 1

Last Sunday morning, after I finished taking a shower, I was walking to our laundry room to look for some clothes to wear. (You probably pegged me for the type to put out my clothes the night before... well if you did you pegged wrong) I was walking in only my towel, but this was okay because I was the only person awake in the house. I found no appropriate clothes for church so I on my way back towards my bedroom when out of the corner of my eye I little blur of brown shot across my floor. Instantly I feared the worst. I feared that I might have... gasp... a mouse! I ran out of my kitchen and quickly found a pair of shoes and my glasses. My shoes would protect me from harm and give me a weapon for squishing. My glasses would help me confirm there was actually an intruder in my house. I crept back into the kitchen, to the place where the blur was heading. To my despair I saw clearly that a mouse was indeed in our house and headed down our stairs into our unfinished basement. I watched him turn out of sight and new that with all the junk we had stored down there he was gone. I was never going to find him. I went into the room and told my wife. This is never fun information to bring up to the spouse. We both talked about getting mousetraps and whatnot and I proceeded to go about my day. About 15 minutes had passed when, fully clothed, I was walking with my daughter Alyssa into the kitchen. (Obviously everyone was now awake) We both stopped when out from under the stove a mouse shot out and began running around our floor. I calmly explained to my daughter what the little creature was as she looked on with curiosity. She really wanted to go touch it, but it ran back under our stove. I told her to go tell mommy she had see a mouse, and when she left I grabbed a dustpan and began the hunt. My fingers had barely grasped the pan when the mouse ran out from under the stove once again. He looked at me the mighty hunter and proceeded to run along the baseboard of our cupboards towards the steps that lead downstairs. I chased him but I was not expecting to actually get him because mice are fast dang-it! However this mouse made a mistake... a fatal mistake. He turned back and ran towards me along the baseboard. I recognized this was my chance. My heart was pounding as I moved in and got ready for the kill. I was considering a retreat, mice are pretty scary creatures, but I pressed on because I had a family to save. I speedily put my dustpan on the ground tight up against the baseboard, effectively stopping him in his tracks. He ran smack dab into the pan so I twisted it, flipping Mickey over a foot into the air. He landed on his back and seemed a bit dazed and confused. He lay there helpless on the ground. A lesser man might have let him off the hook, but not this man. I quickly drew my dustpan into the air and brought it down with the power of Thor's hammer...Smack!!! Direct hit. I remove d my weapon to find I had committed mousicide...I killed Mickey mouse! Before my wife or children come into the room I grabbed a Ziploc baggie and scoop up the lifeless body. I seal the bag (this is an important step in killing mice because it assures you they will be dead) and throw it out onto our porch. I walk back with my chest puffed up and a masculine smile upon my face. I tell my wife of my conquest and that it is safe for the family to return to the kitchen. I killed and I liked it! This is the fourth mouse I have killed with my own two hands. The other three were at my in-laws house. I am becoming a professional at this act of eliminating mice. I was excited feeling like I had one, but a nagging thought kept ringing in my ears…was this the same mouse that ran downstairs? That answer would come a few days later.
Chapter two of the Invader will be out next week


  • Gabe, we've been waiting to hear from you, and you definitely came through with your entertaining, Hubka-esque post.

    Hilarious. I look forward to part two...

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 1:50 PM  

  • "Hubka-esque post" That may be the single greatest compliment I have ever heard.

    By Blogger Our Family, at 1:48 PM  

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